,PI 52 A DISPLAY Of fins arepardonable.: for we are jalìfed th-ough the redemption that is in :refits Chrift, hom God bath jetforth, to be O, propitiation throughfaith in his blood to declare his rghtiofnefs for the ',mi./Ilanoffurs, Rom. iii. 24, 25. Yea, he obtained for us by his death, righteouf- nefs and holiuefs. He gave hì f if for his church, that he night fanfify and deanr, it, Ephef v. 26. That he might prefent it untohimfelfaglorious church, withoutfpot, ar wrinkle, that roefheuld be holy, and withoutblewfh, verfe 27. Wherefft, we have whom Chrift died, or gave himfeif for, even his church : f candly, what he obtained for it, holiuefs and righteoufnefs, a freedom from the fpots and blemifhes offin, that is, thegrace .ofjuftidcatiou and fan&ity, He mace him to be fin forus, who knew no fin, that we might be- comethe rghtenufefsof God in him, 2. Cor. v. or. And laftly he died, to purchafe for us an everlaftiug inheritance, Heb ix. t 3. So that both grace and glory, are bellowed on them for whom he died,- as the immediate fruits ofhis deathand paffìon. [ 2.] See what thef ripturepn+äs ceprefyafhgneth, as the proper and immmediate effe& (according to the parpofeof God, and Isis own intention) of the effufion of the blood of Jefus Chrift, and you shall find that he intended by it, to takeaway the fins ofmany, to make his foul an f ring farfn, that he might fee his feed, that thecount l ofGod might profper in his hand, lfaiah liv. to be a ranteoe for many, Matth. xx. 28. to bear the fina ofmany, lieb. ix. 28. he bare our fins in his awn body on the tree, that we ¡Could live unto right, outefs, t. Pet. ii. 24. that we might become the righteoufnefs of God in him, z. Cor. V. zr. thereby reconciling us unto God, serf. 19. he died to reconcile us unto. God, in thebody of his dell:, through death, that we might be holy and unblamable, Cola. i. 21. 22. to purgeour fins, hieb. i. 3. to obtain an everl Wing redemption for us, hieb. ix. 12. So that ifChrifl by his death obtained what he did intend, he bath purchafedfor us, not only a polibility of falvation; but holinel, righteoufnefs, reconciliation with God, juftifica- tion, freedom from the guilt, and condemning power offin ; everlalling redemption, eternal life, and glory in heaven. [3.] I appeal unto the confciences of all Chrillians. s.) Whether they do not fuppofe the very foundation ofall their confolation to be ílricken at, when they fail find thofe places ofScripture (a) that affirm Chrift có have died to take away our fins, to reconcile us unto God, to put assay, or abolifh our tranfgreffions, to waft and regenerate us, perfe&ly to fave us, and purchafe for us an everlafting redemption, wherebyhe is become untous, righteoufnefs, andredemption, and fm&ification, the Lord our righteoufnefs, and we become the righteoufnefs of God in Isim : tobe fo wrefled, as if he fhouldbe Paid only, to have done fomedsiag, which theft things might happily follow. z.) Whether they think it not a ready way, to impair their love, and to weaken .their faith in Chrift, whets 1110 they l be taught, that Chrift bath done no more for ,them, than for thole that are damned in hell ; that be their alfuranee never fo great, that Chrift died lot them, yet there is enough to be laid to their charge tocondemn them; that though God is laid to have reconciled them unto hind-el Chrift, Colof. i. 19, zo. yet indeedhe is as angry with them, as with any reprobate in the world ; that God loveth us not firft, but fo long as we continue in a Rateof enmity againit him, be- fore our convcrfioo, he continuesour enemy alto : fo that the firft a& offriendlhip or love, muff be performed on our parc, notwithffanding that the Scripture faith, we were reconciled unto God being enemies, Rom. v. s o. 3.) Whether they have not hitherto fuppofed themfelves bound to believe, that Chrift died for their fins and rufe for their juftification ? Do they not think it lawful to pray, that Godwould bellow upon them, grace and glory litr Chrift's fake? and tobelieve that Jefus Chrift was filch a mediatour ofthe new covenant, as procured for the perlons covenanted withal, all the good things comprehended in the promife ofthat covenant. ? will not further preisupon this prevarication againfi chriflia r religion, only I would delire all the lovers of Jefus Chrift ferioufly toconfider, whether thefe men do truly aimat his honour, and advancing the dignityofhis merit, and not rather for the crying up oftheir own iadeavours, feeing the fole caufe of their denyingthefe glorious effefls pftlreblood ofChrìft, is to appropriatethepraife ofthem unto themfelves, as we 1ha11 fee in the next Chapter. Theft charges are never to be waved, by the vanity of their fophifticaldiftórfliors, as ofthar of importation and application, which though it may be received ini an Ortho- dox meaning, yet not in that fenfe, or rather non-fènfe, whereunto they abide it.; viz. (a) lieb. vii. ,a, rç, 24. and ix. 14, aß. Ira. Iiii. a,. r John i. R. Sc. As