AR MIN IAN ISM. 53 As though Chrifthad obtained thatfor fume, whichBeall never be imparted unto them, that all the blefïings procured by his deathare proper tonone, bur pendent in the'air for them that can or will catch them : whereupon when we obje£k, -(a) that by this means all the efficacy of themerit of Chrifi, is in our own power, they readilygrant it, and fay it cannotetherwife be let them that can, receive thefe monfkers inchriidanity, for my part in theft following contradi£kory affcrtions, I will chooferather to adhere to the authority ofthe word- ofGod, than CifArmininaand his fe£laries. S. S. He madehim to be fin forus, who knew no that we might become the rightcoujefi of God in him, z Cor. v. 21. He loved his church and gave himfif for it, that he might prefent it unto himfelf agloriout church, not having fpot or wrinkle or anyfuck thing, Ephef. v. z6, 27. God was in Chrifi reconciling the world unto hámfeif, 2 Cor. v. i9. When thou f salt make his foul an offering for fin, he (ball fee his feed, be (hall prolong his days, and thepleafure of the Lord(hall prfper hehis hand, Iff, lüi. io. By his knowledge (halt my righteous Trvare juftify many, for loe fhall bear their iniquities ver. r t. Chrift was once offered to bear the fns of many, Heb. ix. 28. By his own blood he ertred in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us, ver. 12. He loath reconciledyou in the body of hisfl fh, through death to prefent you holy and unblam- able Colof. i. 22. d/homGod loath fee forth to be a propitiation through faith inhis blood, to declare his rghte- aufnefs for the remonof fin, &c. --that he might be juft, and the juflifcer of him that believeth in f fas, Rom. iii. zs, 26. Who his own felf bare our fns in his own body' on the tree, that me being dead to fa, fhould live unto righted f efs, by whoffin Jito we are healed, I Peter ii. 24. Lib. Arbit. The immediate effelb of the death of Shrift in tent the remiliionofany, Armin. Chrift did not properlydie to lave any one, Grevinch. A potential andconditionate reconcilia- tion, not aGuai andabfolute, is obtained by the death o;iChrift, Corvia. I believe it might have come to pats, that the death of Chrift might have had its end, though never any man had believed; Cervin. The death and fatisfa£kios of Chrift be- ing accomplifhed, yet it may fo come to pa IS that rope at all fulfilling the condition ofthe new covenant, none might be fáved, Idem. The impetration of falvation for all, by diedeath of Chriff, islaóthingbut the ob- taining of a pollibitity thereof, that God without wronging his juftice, may open Onto them a gate of mercy, to be entred on fame condition, Rem, Coll. Hag. Notwithftanding the death of Chrift; God might have Aligned any other con- ditioiof falvation as ave11 as ¡kith, or have chofen the Jews following the reghteoufbefs ofthe law, Grevin. _ Wiry then the efficacy of the death of Chrift depends Wholly on an : true ! It cannot otherwife be, Rem. Apol. yoc0000 n000illoo;.eoezee. ? ¿tirooc' er °k^,.e; o,::°. e aren rya C H A P. X. Of the taufe offaith, grace, and righteoufnefs. TTH E fecond part of this controverfy, is in particular concerning grace, faith, Y and holinefs, fincere obedience to the precepts of the new covenant, all whofepraife rye appropriate to the molt high, by reafon of a double ireteceft. Fi r, of the merit of Chrift which doth procure therm for us. Secondly, of the holy fpiritwhich works them is us : the deathof Chriil is theirmeritorious caufe, the fpirit of Godand his effe£kual grace their efficient, working infirumentally with power by the word andordinances ì now becaufe this would deprive the idol of his chiefefk glory, (a) Sic efficacie meriti Chrilti tots pews nos habit, quivocationem, alioqui inefficacem, of cacem reddimus: Cane fieri aliternon poteR, Rem. Apol. p. 93. Q and