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r,8 1i D Circumcf theforeskin of your hearts, and be no moreATnecked, Dent. x. 16. And the. Lord thyGod willcircumcife rhy heart, and the heart ofthy feed, chap. xxx. 6. Makeyou a nem heart, and anew fpirit, O heuf of ifiael, J;+zek xviii. 31. A neroheart 'alfo will Igive you, and a new fpirit will I put within you, chap. xxxvi. 36. Ifyou will fear the Lord and ferve hint, then (hall you continuefollowing the Lord your God, 1.. Sam. su. 14. AndI willput myfear intoyour hearts, that ye (hall not departfrom me, Jerem. xxxir. 40. He loath wrought all our werks in us, Ira. xxvi. 12. -, He worketh in us both to will and todo ofhis goodpleafurei°hi l ip. ii. 13. He bath bled no with all fpiritual bleffings inhim, Ephel.. i. 3. Toplait isgiven in the behalfofChr f to bè- lieve inhim, Philip i. 29. The blood of Gh,ifl pugeth our confciences from dead works, to ferve the living God, Deb. ix. 14. - PLAY J Lib. Arbir. This is mil certain, that that ought not tobe commanded which is wrought in us : he foolifhly commandeth that to be done ofothers, who willwork in themwhat he commandeth, Rem. Apol. It is ahfurd to affirm, that God either workethby his power, orprocureth by his wifdom,thatthe ele& lhonld do thofe things which God requireth ofthem, Epifcopius. Faith and converfion cannot be ails of our obedience, ifthey are wrought byGod in us, Rem. Col. Hag. That God lhould require that of us, which himfelfwill work in us, is a ridicu- lous afrion fcarce fit fora ilsge, Rem. Apol. That that faying of Avg fling that God crowneth his own gifts in us, is not eafily to be admitted, /bid. There is nothing morevain andfoolifh, than toafcribefaithand regeneration to the merit ofChrift, Idees. v'wtiy kttrA was irtirr.Aj> -átir,&,-.4,41,4,-,,1, CFI AP..XI. Whether falvation may be attained without the knowledge of or faith in Chrift refus. Shall Phut up all this difcourfe concerning the meritorious taufe of falvation, with their !hutting out of Chrift, from being the only one, and abfolutely neceffary meals, tobring us unto heaven, tomake ushappy : this is the laft pile they erekt upon their babylonifhfoundation, which makes the idol offelt-fufficiency everyway per. felt, and fit to be facrificed-unto : until thefe proud builders, do get materials for their own temple, laid the axe to the root of Chriffianity, we took it for granted, that there isno falvation inany other, beeaufe there is none other name under heaven, givenunto men', whereby we m fk be faved, Alts iv. r x. Neither yet Ihall their nefarious attempts frighten usfrom ourcreed, normakeus be wanting to thedefence of our Saviour's honour i but I !hall be verybriefin the confederation of this heterodoxy, nothing doubting, but that tohave repeated it, is fully to have confuted it, in the judgment of all pious Chri- !leans. t. Then, they grant falvationto the ancient patriarchs and Jews, before the coming of Chrift, without any knowledgeof, or faith in him at all : nay, that any fuch faith in Chrift was ever prefcribed unto them,, or requiredofthem : (a) It is certain that there is noplace in the Old Teffament, fromwhence itmay appear, that faith in Chrjt, as aredeemer, was ever enjoied, or found in any of them, fay they jointly, iii their apology. : the truth ofwhich alfertion, we Ihall fee hereafter; only they grant a general faith, involvedun- ader types and lhadows, and looking on the promife, as it lay -hid in the goodnefs sad providenceofGod, which indire$ly might be calleda faith in Cjrrift : from which kind offaith, I fee no reafon, why thoufandsofheathen infidels Ihorild beexcluded. Agreeable (a) Certum eft locum nullum elfe, mule apparea, fidem ifiam, Cub Vet. Tell. preceptim fuile, aneigoife, Rem. Apo,. cap. _. fol. 9s. unto