AR MINI ANISM. 59 unto thefe affections; are-the di£tates of their patriarch Arminius, (a) affirming, that the rvhole defcription ofthe f faith of Abraham, Rom. iv. maker no mentionofyers Caaj, either eaprfy, orfo implicitelyat,that maybe ofany one e fly underflood, aid to the teftnnony ofi Chrift himfelf to the contrary, fob viii. 56. Tory father Abraham rejoiced to fee my day, andhe faro it, and wasglad o he :mfwereth, he rejoiced to fee the birth of Ifaac, mho was a, type ofme, -a goodlyglofs corrupting the text. z. What they teach of the Jews, that allo they grant concerning the Gentiles, . living before the incarnation ofChrilt ; they alto might attain falvatíon, and be ji ßi :Std without his knowledge : for (b) although faith Carvinw, the covenant mas not revealed rota themby thefame mean, that it was untothe gems, yet they are not to be f ppofed to be excluded from the-c000nart (ofgrace) nor tobe excluded fromfalvarion; for fome wayor other they werecalled. They are come at length to that perfe£lion in fetting out this Hain ofclriftiaaity, that Bertiuo on good co t de anon denied this propofitiou, that no man can be fated, that is. not _ ingr ft ed into Chrtfl by .tnecfaits and (,) Venator to this q efi or IV:mbar the only means ofalvat be the i f .p f a tb furre&. d feet f f j fesChrift a a.{vereth, No. Thus they lay met. in Abraham's bofhm, who ,,ever bel.i:ved in the ,oc ofAbraham, make them overcome the fèrpert, who never heard ofthe feedof the woman; bring goats into heaven, who never ivCC ab the flock of Chrift, never edt6 ad by him the door make me:pleafeGod without t.ith, and obtain the remifion o fi s wir'mat the fput klisg oftheblood of ri the Iamb; tobe tved without aSavioar,re.eemoif without a Redeemer ; to become the fors ofGod, and never know their elder broti:er ; whicli prodigious error might yet be parkloned, and afcribed to human imbecill icy, had itea- fually flip; from their pens, as (d) it did from Tome others; bat Teeing it hathfouncfa- tion in all the grounds oftheir new dokrine, and is maintainedby them on matt,,r deli- beration, (e) it mull be looked onby it clarifiions, as anherely to be derefted and ac- curfed. For, firjb they deny thecortagio r and demerit oforiginal fan: then make therove- Cartof grace tobe,, ,ivaflr1, o,:d comprehendall and every one ofthe pollerity of ;Adamo thirdly, grant a power in our (elves to come untoGod, by airy foci, meas as lie will ap- pointand affirm, than he dothalffn Il,me means unto all, and it will naturally follow, thattheknowledge ofChrift is not abfólutely necefTary to titivation : and fit down falls theprehemirer:ce ofchriftianity, its heaven- reaching crownmall be laid level with the Services ofdung-hill Gods. (f) It is trueindeed, fome oftheancient fathers, before the rilingofthe Pelagian herefy, Who had foput on Chrift, as Lipfirs fpeaks, that they had not fully put offPlato, have unadvifedlydroptTome Speeches Teeming to grant, that divers men before the incarnati- on, living used nóy, according to thedi{latcí ofright reafon might be Paved without faith in Chrift as is well (hewed by learned Car aboa, in his heft exercitatian on Baroriue : but let this be accountedpart ofthat Rubble, which (hall burn at the Taft day, wherewith thewritings ofall men, riot divinely infpiredmay be flaired. It bath alfoCce (as what hat!; not ?) been drawn into dispute amongthe wrangling iehoolanear, and yet, which is rarely Teen, their verdi£t in this particular, alanoft unanimously paffeth for the truth t (g) Aquinas tells us a fiory of thecorpfe of aheathen, that Should be taken up in the timeofdte emprofs Irene, and her foil Cojsas ne, with a golden plate on his breaft, wherein was this infcription : Unit a tern rf atiSin, end l believe in him, Ohfun! Thou (haltfee me again in the daysof Irene and Conftantire. (h) Fut thequeftiou is not, whether a gentile believing in Chrift may be fcvcd, or whether God did not reveal him felf and Isis Ton, extraordinarily to Tome of them ? For.Shall we ftreighten the breaft, and fi-,orten the arm ofthe almighty, astlabugh he might not dowhat Inc will with his own ? But-whether a manby thecoadu£t ofnature,withoat the knowledge ofChrift, may come (a) Confderetur amnia defcriptio fidei Abraha, Rom. iv. & apparabit in 'ila JefuChriai non fieri mentionem, exprelfe, -fed illa tantum implication, o tin esplicare cuivis noneft facile, Armin. Gavi- fua e6 videre natalem Mac, qui fait typos loti, ideni. (5) Gentes fob vcreri tenamento vi- vcnte, heat ;ifs irta ratlone qua Judeis non frit revelcmiu r nonLunen iode continuo ex firdero runt, area fatale yrscifeexcluli jadiratidehentqui aliquo faltem mono vocaneur, Corvin. dcénf. Armin. ad Tilers. fol. nay. (e) Nego have profiionevfr nemine :n pane f lvari, quam qui Jcfn-Chrifto, per veram fidem fit infant, Bert. ad Sibrand. fol. Ili. (,ih Ad hone qusltìm,ein an unica vin talons, ft vita, pallia, mors, reforrellia & affcenfo Jura Cinilli? refpondea, non. Venar. apud Tefl. Hom. e, Peltiam. (e) Zuing. profef fin. ad reg. Gal- ( Artie. 'art. ri. the Churchof Eng. (g) ,at. magis repngnat fide;, quam fine fide fy. e(If i,oBt /ittm hoininum, Ac it. 'de indo. Sala. Prot. (5) Again. 2. 28. e. 2. a. 7: e, (i) Chndus afteirar ex vir- gins, ek ego credo in cum, o Sol ! Tub Irene St Conitantini temporibus iterumme videbis. to