ARMINIANISM. 61 revealed in the fcripture, which fhould give us the leaft intimation of their attaining everlafling happinefs. For not to confider the corruptionand univerfaldifabiiiity of nature, to do anything that is good, without ChrifT we can do nothing, lam xv. 5. nor yet the finfuluefsof their bell works, and a£tions, the facrificesof the wicked being an abomination unto the Lord, Nev. xv. S. Evil trees cannot bring forthgood fruit, men do not gather grapes of thorns, nor figs of thiftles, Matth. vii. 16. the word of God is plain, that without faith, it is impollible to pleafe God, Heb. xi. 6. that he, who believeth not, is condemned, Mark. xvi. 16. that no nation, or perfon, can be bleffed, but in the feed ofAbraham, Gen. xii. andthe bleffing of Abraham comes up- on the Gentiles onlyby Jefus Chrift, Gal. iii. 14. he is the way, and the truth, and the life, John xiv. 6. hone comes to the Ether butby him, he is thedoor, by which thofe that do not enter, are without, with dogs, and idolaters, Revel. 3.1.1. fo that other foundation of bleflednefs can none lay, but what is already laid, even Ribs Chrift, r Cor. iii. rz. in brief; do but compare thole two placesof St. Paul, one Rom. viii. 3o. where he fheweth, that none are glorified, but thole that are called, which is infìrumeutaliy by the preaching ofthe word and Gofpel : and it will evidently appear, that no làlvation can be grunted unto them, on wham the Lord hurls fo far poured out his indignation, as to deprive them of the knowledge of the role means thereof, Chrift jefus. And to thole that are otherwill: minded, I giveonly this neceffary caution, let them take heed, lefl whilft they indeavour to invent new ways to heaven for others, by fo doing, they loofe not the true way themfelves. S. S. Oh fools! and flown to believe, all that the Prophets have written: aught not Chrift to have Mired tbefe things a' Lab. xxiv. 25, 26. Abraham ryfeed to foe.,:y dy, and he faira andour glad, Tillais viii. 56. Byhis knowledge fh ll. my righteous fervent jrftify. many, for he (hall bear their iniquities, Ifa lru. r 1. fee the places heroic cited. At that time theywere without Chrifi r being '.aliens from the common wealth of Ifrael, and ftranaers from rise covenants ofprom f , having no hope, and without God to the torld, Eph. ii. r z. There is noother name under heaven given unto men;. wherebywe miff be faved, but only byClJt, Abbi iv. , a. The b(ff g of Abraham comes on thegen- tiles by jefur Chrift, Gal. iii. 14. He that believerh not is condemned, Mark. xvi. 16. without faith it is impaffible to ple. fè God, Heb. xi. 6. Other foundation can noman lay, but what is alreadylaid, even jefaa Chr fr, r Cor. iii. i b. Lib. Arbil. There is no place in the OldTeßament, whence it may appear, that faith in Chrift asa redeemer, was either enjoyed or found in any then, Rem- Apel. Abraham's faith had no reference to Chrift, Armin. Thegentiles livingunder the OldTeffa ment, though it was not revealed unto . them as unto the Jews, yet were notex.. eluded from the covenant of grace, and from falvation, r "aro. I deny this propofition, That none can be frayed that is not ingrafted into Chrift by a true faith, Bert. To thisqueftion,Whether the only way of falvation, be the life, paffion, death, refurre£tion and afcenfion ofJefus Chrift, I anfwer no, Venator. Ipoon, ;t:o:z.":0e- ry;. aó.:iseß.ís.ecw ..ó.esor ° S:o;F tiro C H A P. XII. Of free-will, the nature and power thereof. OU R next task is to take a view of the idol himfelf; of this great deityof free-will, whole original being not well known, he is pretended like the F.phefian image of Diana, to have fallen down from heaven, and to have his endowments from above : but yet confdering what a nothinghe wan at his firb difco- very, in comparifon of that vaft giant-like hugenets, towhich now he is grown, we may fay ofhim, as the painter faid ofhis monfIrous pi&ure, whichhe had mended, or S rather