70 1q D'ISPLAY Of There things being thus cleared from the fcripture, the former Arminian poftions will of themfelves fall to theground, having no Foundation but their own Authority, for any pretence ofproo , they make nonefrom theword ofGod. Thefirft two I confide- red in the laft Chapter, andnow add-only concerning the third, that the foie taufe why the Gofpel is feetunto fore, and not unto others, is not any dignity, worth, ordefect of it in them towhom it is fent, more than in the refs; that are fuffered to remain in the shadow of death, but only the foie good pleafure ofGod, that it may be a _fub- fervient means for the executionof hisdecree of election.- 1 have much people in this City, Atts xx. 1 than thee, Father, Lard of heavenand earth, that thou haft Hid thefe things from the rife and prudent, and haft revealed them unto babes, even fa Father, for fa it feemed good in thy fight, Mat. xi. 25, 26. So that the Arminian oppofrtion to the truth of the Gofpel in' this particular, is clearly manifeft. Ofourfelves we can do nothing, John xv. 5. We are not able of our [elves to think any thing as of ourfelves, z Got. iii. 5. We are by nature childrenof wrath, dead in trfpafs andfins, Ephef. ii. r. Faith is not of ourfelves, it is the gift of God, Ephef: ii. Who maketh thee'differ from another? or what haft thou, that thou haft not received ? and if thouhaft received, why boaftefc thou, at if thou hadft not received ? r Cor. iv. 7. If the leopard can change his [pots, and the Ethiopian his skin, then canye dogood who are taught to do evil Jer. xiii. 13. Believingan himwho jvdff tb the ungodly, Rom. iv. 5. Being j f led freely by hisgrace, Roma iii. 24. Ithank. thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou haft hid theft things from the wifeand prudent and revealed them to babes, even fo, 0father, for fo itfeemedgood in thy fight, Mat. xi. 25, 26. Arbit. We retain OMafter them11, a power of believing, and ofrepentance, becaufe Adam lofthot this ability, Rem.Declarar. Sen. in Syn. Faith is faid to bethe workofGod, be- caufe he commandeth as to perform it, Rem. Apol. There is no infdionof any habit or fpi- ritual vital principle, neceffary toenable a man tobelieve, Corvin. There is nothing truer than that one man maketh himfelf differ from another : he who believeth,when God commandeth, maketh himfelf differ from him who will not, Rem. Apol. I mayboall amine' own, when I obey God's grace, which it was in my power not to obey, Grevinch. True converfion and theperformance of good works, is a condition required onour part before juftification, Filii Armin. God'fendeth the Gofpel to fottaperfons or nations, that in comparifon of others, may be faid tobe worthy ofit,Rem. Apol. ..6vr&urt,trr CHAP. XIV. Of our converfon to God. HOW little or nothing at all it is that the Arminian align to the grace of God, in performingthe great work of our converfion, may plainly appear from what I have lhewed already, that they afcribe to our ownfree will : fo that I (hallbriefly pats that over, which otherwife is fo copiosifly delivered in holy fcripture, that it would require a far larger difcullion. A prolix confirmation of the truthwe profefs, will not fuit fo well withmy intention, which is merely to make a difcovery of their errors, by not knowing thedepths whereof, fo many are deceived and inveigled. Two things in this great conjuuttionofgrace and,nature, the Arminian afcribe un- to free will : Eft, A power of co-operation and working with grace to make it at all effef rual. Secondly, A power of refitting its operation, and making it altogether inef- feáual: God in themean time bellowing no grace, but what awaits an aft iffuing,from one ofthefetwo abilities, and hath its effeteaccordingly. If a Man will cooperate, then grace attains its end; if he will refalt, it returns empty. To this end they feign all