Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

-idowmplird...if.to.,._ 72 A DISPLAY 'Of an our part, a pious docility and probityof mind. So that all the grace ofGod beftowed od s, confifteth mperfuafive arguments out of theword, which ifthey meet with teach- able minds, may work their coiivèrfoe. Secondly, having thus extenuated the grace ofGod, they affirm, (a) That in operation the efficacy thereofdependeth on free mill, fo the Rernonfrants he their apology. And (b) to (peak confidently, faith Greviachevius, I fay, that the effell of a grace, in an ordinary more dependeth on force all of our freewill. Supofe then that of two men made partakers' of the fame grace, that is, have the Gofpel preached unto them by the fame means, one is converted, and the other is not ; what maybe the caufe of this fogreat a difference? Was there any intention or purpofe in God, that one fhouldbe changed rather than the other ? No : He equally defireth and intender) the converfien of all and every Did then Godwork more powerfully in theheart of the one, by his holy fpirit than 'of the other ? No : the fame operation of the fpirit always accompanieth the fame preaching of the word. But was not one by fame Almighty attic. Trade partaker of real infufed grace, whichthe other attained not unto ? No : for that.weuld defray the liberty of his will, and deprive him of all the prof of believing. Now then came this extream difference of thefts? Whomade the one differ from the other, or what hash he, that he did not receive ? Why all this proceedeth meetly from the f rength of his own freemil, yielding obedience to God's gracious invitation, which like the other he might have rejelled. This is the immediate caufe of his converlwy to which all thepraife thereof is due. And here the idol may glory to all the world, that if he canbut get his worfhippers to prevail in this, he bath quite excluded the grace of Chrift, and made it nonce inane, a nicer title; whereas there is no fuch thing in the svorld. Thirdly, they teach, that notwithflanding any purpofe and intention of God to con- vert, and fo to fave a fanner, notwithfanding the molt powerful and effelkual ope- ration of the bleffed Spirit, with the moil winning perfuafve in preaching of the word, yet it is in the power of a man to fruflrate that purpofe, r f that operation, and re- jell that Gofpel. I shall not need to prove this, which in direr terms they plead for; which alfo they muff do, if they will comply with their former principles. For granting all there to have no influence upon any man; but by the may of moral per- fuafon, the mail not only grant that it may be refilled, but alfa utterly deny, that it can be obeyed. We may refftit, I fay, as having both a difability to good, and repugnancy againfi it; but for obeying it, unlefs we,will denyall inherent corruption and depravation of nature, we cannot attribute any filch infufficiency unto our felves. Now concernitg this weáknefs of grace, that it is not able to overcome theoppo- fing power of Panful nature, one teftimony of .Armi:nies (hall fuffice, (c) It always re- maineth in the power of freewill, to rdeli grace that is given, and to refufe that which fol- loweth, for grace is no almighty affion of God, to which freewill cannot rfill. Not that I would afert in oppofition to this, fach an operation of grace, as fmuld as it were, violently overcome the will of man, arad force him toobedience, which mull needs be prejudicial unto our liberty ; but only confftiug in filth a fveet effetfual working, as doth infallibly promote our converfion, malre as willing, who before wereunwilling, and obedient, who were not obedient, that created) clean hearts, and renewal" right fpm. rits within us. That then which we affect inoppoftion to tiefe Arminianheterodoxies, is, that the effeyual grace which God ufeth in the great work of our converfon, by reafon of its ownnature, being alfo the inftrument of andGod's intention forthat purpofe, loth furely produce the effect intended; without fuccefsful reftftance, and folely, with- out any confderable co- operationof our own wills, until they are prepared andchanged by that very grace. The infallibility of its effekk depends chiefly on the purpofe of God; when by any means he intends aman's converfon, thofe means muff have fach an efficacy addedunto them, asmay make them fit infruments for the accomplifhment of that intention ; the comnfel of the Lord may profper, and his word not return empty. But themanner of its operation, that it requires no human affiftance, and is able to overcomeall repugnance, is proper to the being offuels an aft,as wherein it data (al Otgratia fit efleax ingin fecundo, l endet a libera volunmte, Rem. Apo!. fol. r64. (I) Imo ut confidentius agam, dita eft-edamgratin, ordinaria lege pendere ab afta aliquo arbftdi, Octal.. ad Awl'.p.198. (r) ManedTemper in potefiate Lib. Arbit. gratiam detain reji- cere, to f bfequentem repudiare, qua gratianon eft omnipotent-isDei allie, nuí refini a libero bommis arbitrionon polIt, Armin. Antip. fol. 243.... confift