AR MINIANISM. 73 confifi. Which nature and efficacyof grace, in oppofition to an indifferent influence of the holy Spirit, a metaphorical motion, a working by theway of moral perfuafion, only propofing a Bearable objet, eafy. to be refl ed, and nor effeaoal unlefs it be helped by an inbred ability of our own, which is the Arminian grace, I will briefly confirm, having premifed thefe few things. r. Although God Both not ufo thewills of men in their converfion, as malign fpi- rits ufe the membersofmen in enthufiafins, by a violently wrefled motion, but tweedy and agreeably to their own free nature ; yet in the firft a&of our converfion the will is meetly paffive, as acapable fabledof fach a work, not at all concurring co-opera- tively to our turning. It is not, I fay, the caufe of the work, bat the fubje&where- in ft is wrought, having only a paffive capability for the receiving of that fupernatu- ral being,which is introduced by grace. Thebeginning ofthis goodwork is meerly from God, Phi. i. 6. Yea faith isafcribed unto grace, not by the way of cotjmn &ion with, but of oppofition unto our wills : not of our felve,, it is the gift of God, EpheC ii. 8. Not that roeare f fficient ofour feluca, our f friency is of God, a Cor. hi. s. Turn thou me, OLord, and f pallbeturned! 2. Though the willof man conferreth nothing to the infufion of the firft grace, but a fubjedive receiving of it, yet in the very firfl ad, that is wrought in and by the will, it molk freely co- operateth by the way of fubordination with thegrace of God : and the moreeffe&ually it is moved by grace, the more freely it worketh with it. Man being converted, converteth himfelf. 3. We do not affirm grace to be irrefiftible, as though it came upon the will with fuch anover-flowing violence, as to beat it down before ir, and fubdue it by compulfron to what it isno way inclinable; but it that term be utèd, it dennteth in our fenfe, only fach an unconquerable efficacyof grace, as always and infallibly produceth its effect. For, Who is it that can roithfland God? Ads xi. 17. As alt., it may be ufedon the pare ofthe will it felt, which will not refifk it : All that the fathergave unto Chrill will tame unto bun, John vi- 37- Theoperation ofgrace is refifìed by no hard heart, beeaufe it Mol- lifies the heart it felt It dothnot to muchtakeaway a powerof refitting, as give a will of obeying, whereby the powerful impotencyof refìflance is removed... 4. Conceming grace it fel i it is either common or fpecial :. common, or general grace conlfteth in the external revelation ofthe will ofGod by his word, with force illumination of the mind to perceive it, and corre&ionof the áffedions not too much tocontemn it : and this in force degree or other, toTome more, or Vane leefs, is com- mon to all that are called; fpecial grace, is the grace of regeneration comprehending the former, adding more fpiritual ads, but efpecially pre-fuppnfing the purpofeofGod, on which its efficacy dottychiefly depend. q. Thisfaving grace, wherebytheLord convertethor regeneratetha,.Gnner, traufla- tieg him from death to life, is either external or internal ; external conffleth in the preachingof the word, &c. whofe operation is by the way-of moral perfuafion,.when by it we beech our hearts in Chrifl's Bead, that they mouldbe reconciled unto Gad, 2 Cor. Y. 20. and this in our converfion is the inftrumental organ thereof; and may be Aid to be afufficieut taufe of our regeneration, in asmuch, asno other in the fame kind is ne- ceffary; itmay alfobe refilled infenfe divif,. abfiraking frcm that conlideration, where- in it is looked on as the inftrumentofGod for fach an end. 6. Internal grace is byDivines diftinguilhrd into the firft, or preventing grace, and the fecund following co-operating grace ; the firft is that fpiritual, vital principle that is inflated into us by the holy Spirit, that new creation, and bellowing of new flrength, whereby we are made fit and able for theproducing of fpiritual ads, to believe and yield evangelical obedience : For we are the roor /maefloip afGod, created inChrift Yefus unto goadworks, EpheC ii. 1o. By Chi( Godgives ne anew heart, and a new fptrit he uts roithitt NI, he taieth thegay hearts out of ear/efla, andgives la heart offlP, heputs his [Phil oithia us; to cafe us to walk inhie flatutes, Ezek. xxxvi. 26. 27. Now this firft grace is not properly and formally a vital ad, but caufaliter only, su being a principle moving to fachvital ads within us. It is the habit of faith beftowed upon aman, that he may be able to eliciate and perform the ads thereof; giving new light to the underflanding, new inclinations'.to the will, and new affe&ions unto the heart. For the infallible efficacy of which grace, it is that we plead againft the.Armi- ens, and amongfk thole innumerable places of holy fcripture confirming this truth, I shall make ufe onlyofa very fewrelluced thefei hree taeads. (r) Out