To the READER, As for thofe pieces here publifhed, which coniern controverfial points, it is hoped they will not be unfeafonable at a-time when llrianifm on theonehand, and .,4rminianifmon the other, have Co much prevailed amongftus, both con- , fpiring to deprive our dearRedeemer ofthat honour which is due to his mat What is petformedin this edition is the next thing to be confidered, where it may not be improper to remark that molt Of thefe pieces here publilhed, were grown very fcarce, and confeqúently- their value increafed; that they are here printed from the original printed copies, publifhed in the Doflor's life-time, and with this advantage, that the fcveral heads, which before were fomewhát confuted;ate lure reduced to their proper divifions and tub-divifions, which renders it more intelligible to ordinary readers. Thofe who are deSrous to know more of Doftor Owen, may be furnilhed with his Life, and a compleat collet-lionof his Sermons; together with his Fu- neral Sermon, preached by the reverend DavidClarkfón, B. D. All printed together in twovolumes in oliavo, publifhedby Mr. Marfhall. eo'fáb9in i..*ca.róa'é.eó óxóiAAkAa&&arót éo.aeä `e.b"+ Áe`oYvo9 *** The Proprietors think it not improper to "inform the Subfcribers, That whereas this Volume wasproposa to con of only t so Sheets, it isfuelled to above 40 more, whichwe notwithftanding deliver at the Price firfi propofed to the Sublcribers. Other Piecesof theDoetor's, not contained in this, fhallbe printed in the next Volume, topreferve his Works,, (William By ( and Maríhall, Jofeph 1l1 ,lltthe Bible in Newgate-ftreet ; Where may be hadJingly the Effigies of the following Miners, viz. Ì)r. Owen, Mr. Mead, Mr..Nesbitt, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Caryll, Mr. Baxter, Mr. M. Clark, Mr. Henry, Mr. Bunyan, Mr. S. Clark; Mr. Bradbury, Mr. Pigott. Dr..Crifp, Mr. Janewayj Dr. Calamy, Mr. Kcach, Mr. Pomace, Mr. Tong, A