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of the PERSONCf CHRIST. 6, of thefour living creatures, and in the mid/1 of theelder:,Rood a lamb as it had beenfain, having feven horns andfevers eyes, wLmh are the fevers fpirits of Godfent forth into all the earth. And he cams and took the hook out ofthe right hand ofhim that fat upon the throne. Andwhen be had taken thebook, the four beafts and four and twenty elders fill down before thelamb, having every one of them harps, andgolden vials »dl of odours, whichare the prayers offaints. And theyTung a new fong, laying; Thou art'worthy to take the book, and to open the feats thereof';for thou waft fain, and haft redeemed no 'unto Godby thy blood, out of evey kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation. And haft Made no unto our God Kings and priefis, and we Hiatt reign on the earth. And I beheld, and I heard the voice ofmany angels round about the throne, and the bea/ls, and the elders, and t enumber ofthem was ten thoufand times ten thoufand, andthoufands ofthoufands. Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the lamb that wasHain, to receive power, and riches , andwifdom, and flrength, and honour, and glory, and biding. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and fuck as are in the fea, andall that are in them, beard I, faying, Blefng, honour, glory andpower be unto him that fitted) upon the throne, and unto the lambfor ever and ever. And the four beaftsfaid, Amen. And thefour and twenty elders fell down and roorfhipped him that livethfor ever and ever. The efpecial objetl of divine adoration, the rnotiver unto it, and the nature of it, or what it confifteth in, are here declared. Firft, The obje£1'of it is Chrift, not feparately, but d1irfily from the Father, and joyntly with him. And he is propofed, both as having fulfilled the work ofhis mediation in his incarnation and oblation; as a lamb fain: and inhis glorious exaltation in the midfl of the throne ofGod. The prin- cipal thing that the heathen of old obferved concerning chrillian religion, was that in it, praifea were fang to Chrift as unto God. Secondly, The motives unto this adoration are theunfpeakable benefits which we receive by his mediation, Thou art worthy, for thouoeaft fain, and haft redeemedus unto God, &c. Hereon the fame glory, the fameho- nour is afcribed unto him as unto God the Father; biding, honour, glory, and power, be unto him that fits on the throne, and unto the lamb fr ever and ever. Thirdly, The nature of his adoration is defcrihed to confift in three ,things. t. Solemn proiration. And thefour living creaturesPaid, Amen. And the four and twenty eldersfell down andworfhipped him that liveth for ever and ever. So alfo is it defcribed, chap. iv. to, r1. 2. In the af- criptionof all divine honour and glory, as it is at large expreffed, ver. II, t2, t3. 3. Ìn the way expreffing the defign of theirfouls in this adoration which is by their pratfes, they fung a newfan , that is, of praife, for fo are all thofe Pfalms which have that title of a new Fong. And in there things, namely, folemn profiration of foul in the acknowledgment ofdi- vine excellencies, afcriptions of glory and honour with praife, doth reli- giousadoration confiít. And they belong not unto the great holy fociety ofthem who worihip above and here below, whofe hearts are not always ready unto this folemn adoration ofthe Iamb, and who are not on all occa- fions exercifed therein. And this adorationof Chrift doth differ from the adoration of God abfolutely confidered, and of God as the Father, not in its nature, but meetly on the account of its efpecial motiver. The prin- cipal motive unto the adorationof God abfolutely confidered, is the_work ofcreation, the manifeftation ofhis glory therein, with all the effe&s of his power and goodnefs thereon enfuing: So it is declared, Rev. iv. 8, 9, R to,