Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

XPIMTOAOF IA: O R, A DECLARATION O F THE Glorious Myftery O F T H E PERSON of CHRIST , GOD and MAN. WITH THE Infinite WIsDoM, LovE and POWERof GOD in the Contrivance and Con{Iitution thereof. As alfo of The Grounds and Reafons of his INCARNATION, the Na- ture of his MINISTRY in HEAVEN, the Prefent State of the CHURCH above thereon, and the Life of his P ER s oN in Religion. WITH An Account and Vindication of the HONOUR, WORSHIP, FAITH, LOVE, and OnEnIENCE duc unto him, in and from the CHURCH. By JOHN OWEN, D. D. Tea donbtlefs, and I count all things but lorsfor theexcellency of the know- ledge of atilt jefus my Lord; for whom Ihave Jieo fered the lofs ofall things, and do count them but dung that I may win Chri/t, Phil. iii. 8. L O N D O AT: Printedfor JOSEPH MARSHALL, at the Bible in Newgateftreet, 1721. ú î' Where is fold all Dr. OWEN'S Works.