Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

66 LADeclaration of the Glorious MY STERY to, II. Thou art worthy, O Lard, to receive glory, and honour, andpower, for thou haft created all things, andfor thypleafure they areand were creat- ed. And the principal motive unto the adoration and worfhip of God as the Father, is that eternal love, grace and goodnefs, which he is the foun- tainof in a peculiar manner, Ephef. i. 4, 5. But the great motive }into the adoration of Chrift is the work of redemption, Rev. v.12. Worthy is the lamb that was(lain to receivepower; and riches, and wifdom, flrength, and honour, and glory, and blei'ng. The reafon whereof is given, ver. 9, to. For thou waft fain and haft redeemed us unto God by thy blood, and haft made usunto God Kings and priefts, The 'adoration is the fame, ver, 13. Biding, honour, glory andpower be unto him that fitteth on the throne and unto the lambfor evermore. But the immediate motives of it are different, as its ohje is are diftind. Herein no fmall part of the life of chriftian religion dothconfift. The humbling ofour fouls before the LordChrift from an apprehenfion of his divine excellencies, the afcription of glory, honour, praife, with thankfgiving unto him on the great motive of the work of redemption withthe bleifed effects thereof, are things wherein the life of faith is continuallyexercifed. Nor can we have any evidence of an intereít in that blellédnefs which confifts in the eternal affignation of all glory and praife unto him in heaven, if we are not exercifed unto this worfhip ofhim, here on earth. 2.) Invocation is the fecond general branch of divinehonour, of that honour which is due and paid unto the Son, as unto the Father. This is the firft exercife of divine faith, the breath of the fpiritual life. And it confifteth in two things, or bath two parts. Fill, an afcriptionof all di- vine properties and excellencies unto him whom we invocate. This is ef- fential untóprayer, which without it is but vain babling. Whoever corn- ell unto God hereby, mutt believe that he is and that he is the rewarder ofthem that diligently feek him. Secondly, there is in it alto a reprefen- ration of our wills, affenions and delires of our fouls unto him on whom we call, with anexpediation of being heard and relieved, by virtue of his infinitely divine excellencies. This is the proper acting of Faith with ref- pelt unto our felves; and hereby it is our duty to give honour unto' the perfon of Chrift. When he himfelf died in the flefh, he committed his departing foul by folemn invocation into the hands of his Father, Pfal. xxxi. g. Luke xxiii. 4. Father, into thy hands I commit my fpirit., And to evi- dencethat it it the will of God, that we fhould honour the Son, as we honour the Father,even as theSon himfelf inhishumane nature, who is our example, honoured the Father. He whofirft died in the faithofthe gof- pel, bequeathedhis departing foul into the hands ofJefus Chrift by folemn invocation, Ails vii. 59. Theyftoved Stephen imaitaAtlpteo, folemnly invo- eating, and' raying, Lord Jefus receive ny fpirit. And having by faith and prayer, left his own foul fafe in the hand of the Lord yefus, he adds one petition moreunto him, wherewith hedied, Lord lay not this fin to their charge; ver. 6o. Herein did he give divine honour unto Chrift in the ef- pecial invocation of his name, in the higheft inftances that can be concei- ved. In his firft requeft, wherein he committed his departing foul into his hands, he afcribed unto him divineomnifcience, omniprefence, love and pow- er. And in thelatter for his enemies, divine authority and mercy to be exercifed in the pardon of fin. In his example is the rule eftablifhed, for the efpecial invocation of Chrift for the effects of divine power and mercy. Hence the spolle defcribeth the church or believers, and diftin- guifheth it, orthem, from all others, by the difcharge of their duty, I Cor. i. 2. With all that call on the name of our Lord 7efus Chrifl, both their Lord and