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A Pradieal EXPOSITION ON THE Cxxx. Pfalm. WHEREIN The Nature of the Forgivenefs of Sin is declared, the Truth and Reality of it aiferted. AND, The Cafe ofaSoul difreíi'ed with the Guilt of Sin, and relieved by adifco- very of Forgivenefs with God, is at large difcourfed. By John Owen, D. D. John 5. 3 9.. Search the scriptures. LONDON., Printedby Robert White, for NathanielPonder, at the Sign of the Peacock in Chancery-Lane3 nearFleet-street. 1 669,

t1 F,#.e: J t.is. . { 3 ..'i 71 4 is k. t

TO THE READER. Chriftian Reader, .64HE enfuing Expofítion andDifourfs are intendedfor the benefit ofthof, whof f i ritualfiate and condition is reprefented in the Pfalm here explained. That theft arenot afeu',that they are many ;yea, that tofórne part or parts ofit, they are all who believe, both thescriptures and their ownExperience willbear T i- mony. Some ofthem it may be will inquire into,and af- ter their own concernments as they are here. declared. To be ferviceable to their Faith, Peace, and fpiritual conflation, hath been the whole ofmy deign. If they meet with anydifeovery ofTruth, anydueapplicationof it to their confciences, any declaration of the ffe and mind ofthe Holy G/of% in the Scriptures fuitable; unto their condition., and ufefull to, their edifiéatione rnuçh A 2 .of:

To the Reader. of my end and purpofe is obtained. T know fome there are that dislike all d f ourfes of this nature, and look upon them with contempt and feorn. rut why they Jbould fo do, Iknow not, unlefs the Gof, el it j', and all the myfleries ofit befolly unto them. Sin and Grace in their original causes, various refpecs, con- fequents, and ends, are the principal fubjeCfs of the whole Scripture, of the whole Revelation of the Will ofGod to illankind. In theft do our prefent and eternal concernments lye, and from andby them hath God defigned the great and everlafling exaltation of his own Glory. Z'pon thefe do turn all the tranf- alJions that are between God and the finds of men. That itshould be an endeavour needlefs' or fiper- fluous, to inquire into the Will of God about, and our own ìnterefl in theft things, who can imagine ? Two wales there are whereby this may be done. Firfl, Speculatively, by a due invefligation of the nature of thefe things, according as their Doarine is declared in the Scripture. An endeavour according to the mind ofGodherein, isjufl andcommendable, and conr- prehenfrve ofmofl ofthe chiefheads ofDivinity. But this is not to be engaged in for its ownfal¿e. The knowledge of God andspiritual things have this proportion un- to 'radical Sciences, that the end of all its notions and Dot`rines confits in praaice. wherefore, Se- condly, Theft things are to be confidered pcaüically, that ic, as the fouls and confciences of tntn are aîivally concerned in them , and converjant about them How men eontrad the guilt offin, whatJens they have, and ought to have thereof, what danger they are liable unto thereon, what perplexities and diflrefès their filth and confluences are reduced to thereby,

To the Reader. thereby, what courfes they fix upon for their relief; as alpwhat is that Grace of God whereby alone they may be delivered, wherein it cones how it was prepared, how purchafed, how it is propofed, andhow it may be attained ; what eféas and confequents a participation of it doth produce, how in thefe things Faith and obedience unto Cod, dependance on him, fubniiffon to him, waiting for him, are to be exer- cifed, is the principal work that thofe who are called unto the difjenfation of the Goffiel ought to enquire into therfIves, and to acquaint others withal/. In the right and due management of Chef things, whe- ther by writing, or oral infruc`lion with prudence, diligence, and zeal, cloth conff their principal ufe- fulnef in reference unto the Glory of God, and the everlafing welfare of the Souls of men : And they are under a great mifiake whofrppofe it an ea/le and a common matter to treat of thefe practical things offully, to the edification of them that do believe. Becaufe both the nature of the things them- fives with the concerns of the fouls and confci- ences of all forts of Ferfons in them, require that they be handled plainly , and without thofe inter- mixtures offecular Learning, and additions of orna- ments of fpeech, which difcourfes of other natures may , or ought to be compofd and Jet ofwithall flume .judging by weer outward appearances, ereci- ally if they be of them from whom the true nature of the things themfelves treated of are hid, are rea- dy to defif and fcorn the plain management of them, as that which bath nothing ofwifdom or learn- ing accompanying ofit no ofíisof any commendable A 3 ability

To the Reader. ability of mind for which it fbould be f eem. ed. Eut. it is not expreffible horn great a rifiake, `flab perfbns through, their own darkne and ig. vorance do labour under.. In '. a rig ss' t f j iritual underfanding, in a due perception and comprehen- fon of thefe. things, the th'ngs of the fins. of Alen und Grace of God,. conlilts the greatef part of, that zvfdcm, of that foundncf of mind,, of that know - ledge rightly.fb called, which the Gofpel commands, exhibits and puts a valuation upon. To reveal and declare them unto others in words of Truth and soberncfs, ft and meet to expreß them unto the are - derfaizdzngs of men opened and enlightned by the fame fpirit, by whom the things themle are ori- ginally revealed, to. derive filch cred , f (ritual Truths from the Word, and by a. due preparation to communicate and apply them to the Souls and Gon- f iences of men, contains a principal part of that min f erial .skill and . ability, which are required in tee. di enfers of the Gofel and wherein a fevere exert ife. of fou.ad learning, judgement, and care is neceffary to be found, and may be joy exprefd. Into this 7reafcrie towards the Service of . the HoKf of God, it is, that I have call my mite in the en.- fling Expoftion and cdifourfes on the i 3cth. Pfalm. The de(gn of the. Holy Ghof was therein to expres and reprefent . in the Perron and condition of the Pfalmií} the. cafe of a foul intangled, and ready to be .cverzrhelnred with the guilt of fin, relieved by A, difovery of Grace and. Forgivenefs' in God, with its, deportment upon a participation of that re- lief 4f:er. the Expoftion of the words of the Text,

To the -Reader. Text, my defign arad endeavour bath been ony to 'enlarge the Pourtraiiture here given i c in tl:e Pfalm, of a Believing foul in and under the condi- tion mentioned ; to render the lines of it ,anore vi- fible, and to make the Charallers given in its cle- f ription more legible 5 and withall to give unto ethers in the like condition with the i' lm fl, a light to .unaerfand and *ern ern themfelves in that Image and reprefentation, whawh.is here made of them in the Perfon of another. To this end have I been forced to enlarge on the two great heads of Sin and Grace ; effiecially on the latter here called the forgivenefs that is with God. An Interf herein a participation hereof being our principal .concernment in this Morld, and the file founda- tion of all our expeElations of a bleféd portion in that which is to core, it certainly requires the heft and utmof of our endeavours as to look into the nature, cauls, and efeCts of it, fo ofeci- ally into the moles and means whereby we may be made partakers of it 5 and how that partici- pation may be f cured unto us unto our peace and confolation 3 as a f into that Love, that Wine's', that obedience, that fruitfulneß in good works, which on the account of this Grace God expeteth from to, and requireth at our hands. An Explicati- on of they things is that which I have deigned to enfie and follow after in they difcourfes , and that with a confiant eye, as on the one hand to the file rule and standard of Truth, the sacred Scriptures efpecially that part of it which is tinder peculiar confederation ; fo on the other ;a

- -----. To the Reader to the Experience and Service unto the edfca. tion cf them that, do believe, rohofe fiiritual bene- fit and advantage without any other confideration 1u the World , is aimed at in the pitbi /bing of them. A

I AN FXPOSITIONi UPON PSALM CXXX. Pfalm 130. a. Vt of the depths have Icryedunto thee, 0 Lord. 2. Lord, hear my voyce, let thine ears he atten- tive to the voyce of my fupplications. 3. if thou, Lord,/hosrldf mark iniquities, O Lord, who flaall f and ? 4. Eut there is forgivenef with thee : that thou maifi hefeared. 5. Iwait for the Lord, myfoul Both wait, and in hips word do I hope. 6. My foul trarteth for the Lord, more than ?ey, that watchfor the morning', Ifay, more th't `5ey that watch for themorning. 7. Lct Ifrael hope in the Lord,for with theLord ikere iFs mercy, andwith him isplenteous Redemption. 8. And he jhall redeemIfraelfrom all lias Iniquities. E A, P A:

2 A PARAPHRASE. Verse r, 2. t Out of rNi Lord, through my manifold fns and pr,ovacations I have the depths brought my f elf into great dif1re(fes. Mine Iniquities are have I cry- aiwayes before me,. and I am ready to be overwhelmedwith them, thee, U as with a flood of waters, for they have brought me into depths,. Lord. wherein I am ready to be ¡wallowedup. But yet althoughmy di- 2. Lord, f rr fíßbe great and perplexing; I donot, Idare not utterly deßond hear my and cal} away all hopes of reliefor recovery. Nor do I fèek unto ne ha any other remedy, way or means of relief, but I apply my flf to tne ears be arten- thee Jehovah, to thee. alone. And in this my Application unto rive to the thee , the greatncf and urgeng of my troubles makes my foul voyce of urgent, earned, andpre ng in myfupplications. 1Vhilf I have no try cations fupp.li -rejl, I can give thee no refs ; Oh therefore attend and hearken unto the voyce ofmy crying and fupplications. Ver. 3.. 3. If thou, T2' it true OLord, thou God great "and" terrible , that if thou Lord fhouldji deal with me in this Condition, with any man living, thoulda with the belt of thy Saints, according to the ftriîí and .exa6 te- qui ties, o nor of the Law, which ftrJt reprefnts it Pelf to my guilty Confci- Lord, who ante, and troubled foul If thou fhouldjt take noticeof, obferve, dtiall ftand ? and keep inRemembrance, mine, or their, or the Iniquity of any one , to the end that thou mighteft deal with them, and recom- pence unto them according to the fintence thereof; there would be neither for me, nor them , any the least expeîfation of deliverance;. all flesh mull fail before thee, and theJ irits which thou haft made, and that to Eternity ; for who could ftand before thee , when thou fhouldjt fo execute thy difjileafureo Ver.

A Paraphrafe. Ver. 4. BVt O L, rd, this is not abf',luteiy and univcrfat) the ftate òfqßutthere things between thy Mtjefty and poor fnners ; Thou art in shy nefsfwrch e' N.tture infinitely Good andGracious., ready andfree in the purpofs thee : that of thy will to receive them. And there is fuch a blffed thou nàad way made for the exercifi of the holy inclinations and purpofes be feared. of thy h=art towards them, in the mediation and blood of thy dear Son , That they have oftiredfoundations of concluding and belie- ving, that there is pardon and forgivenefs with thee for them; and which in the way of thine appointments they may be par- taers of. This way therefore will I, with all that fear thee per- fit l in : I will not give over, leave thee, or turn from thee, through my fears, difecuragements, and defpondencies ; but will abide conliantly in the offrvation of the worfhip which thou halt pre- fribed ; and theperformance of the Obedience which thou dJt re- quire ; having great encouragements fo to do. Ver. 5. L. herein, upon the account of the forgivenefl that is with %. I wait thee, O Lord , do I wait with all patience , quietneß and for the perfeverance. In this work is my whole foul engaged ; even in an Lord , my earneft expe i ion of thy approach unto me , in a way o race doand and mercy. And fir my encouragement therein, haft thou given in his word out unto me a bledword of Grace, afaithful word of promife, do I hope. wherein my hope isfixed. Ver. 6. Ea in the er ormance and di char' e of this dut foul óa foul pf 1 g f y,myf is intent upon thee, and in its wholeframe turned towards thee, the Lord, and that with fùch diligence and watchfulnef?in looping out after more Than every way, and means of thy appearance , of thy manifeflation of thy they, that g f lf, and coming untome, that Iexcell therein thofe who with longing watch the rton- 'defire herdfuelnefs , and earneft expeîiation , do wait and watch ing, I fay, for the appearance of the morning and that either that they may more than ref from their night watcher, or have lightfor the duties of thy tllor- they that at flip in '.e Temple, which they are molt delighted in. for the morn- Ver. s, ii g.

Paraphraf. Ver. 7, 8. 7. Let ifrael YYErein have I found that Re( , peace , and' fatisfa lion? hope in the unto my own ful , that I cannot but invite and encourage Lord, for others, in the like Condition to tale the fame courfe with me. Let God, the then all the Ifrael of all that fear him learn this of me and Lord there > > > is mercy, from my experience. Be net bafly in your diftrefs ; deffiond not, and with de air not, turn not afide unto other remedies ; but hope in the him is Lord ; for I can now inan of recialmanner, give teftimony unto this, plenteous that there is mercy with him fuited untoyour relief. Tea, what- Redcmpti- on. ever your diftrefl be , the Redemption that it with bim , is fo S. And he bounteous , plenteous and unfiarchable, that the undoubted ifue íhall re- ofyour performance of this duty will be ; that you fhall be deli- deem all vexed from the guilt of all your fins ; and the perplexities o all from his f g f y f p p f, Inigaities. your troubles. general

f9.30,MAYAMA001AM óëv6óáoó$b$BaSófiv63ä Ç/eneralScopeof themholePfalm. HE defign of the Holy'Ghofl in this Goiierál Pfelrn is to exprefs in the E*perience of Che:iole the Pfahniff, and the working of hisfaith, /yam. the fiate and condition of a foul great- ly in it f4 perplexed , relieved on the account of Grace , and Zing it Pelfto- wards Godand his Saints, fuitably to the difeovery of that Grace unto him. A great , defign, and full of great Intiruaion. And this general Profpet gives us the- parts, and fcope of the whole Pfalm : for (t.) We have the Jtate and condi- tion of the foul therein reprefented, with his deportment in and under that Rate and condition, in ver. r, 2. Out of the depths have I cryed unto thee O Lord, Lord, hear my voyce, let thine ears be attentive to the voyce of my fupplicationr. ( 2.) His enquiry after relief ; and therein are two things that prefent themfelves unto him; the one whereof, which firft offers the confideration of its Pelf to him in his dithers, he deprecates, ver. 3. If thou LordJhould(t mark iniquity, 0 Lordwho /hallRand? The other he clofeth withal, and finds relief in it, and fup- portment by it, ver., But there is forgivenefr with thee that thou mayeft befeared. Upon this his difcovery and axing on relief, there is the atiing of his Faith, and the deportment of his whole Perron a. Towards God ; ver. 5, 6. It wait for the Lord, my foul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. My foul waiteth for the Lord, more than lhey that watch 13 3 for

The twofirft Verfs opened. Pial.t 30. for the morning, Ifaymore than they that watch for the morning. 2. Towards the Saints, ver. 7, 8. Let Ifrael hope in the Lord, for with the Lord there is mery, and with him it plenteous Redemption. And hefhall redeem lfracl from all his Iniquities. All which parts, and the various concernments of them, muff be opened feverally. And this alto gives an account of what is my defign from and upon the words this Pfalm ; namely , to declare the perplexed intanglements which may befall a gracious ful , fuch a one as this PJalrni(t was; with the nature and. proper workings of Faith in fuch a condition : Principally aiming at what it is, that gives a foul relief andJùpportment in, and al- terward deliverance from, fuch a perplexed elate. The Lord in Mercy, difiofè of thefe Meditations in fuch a way and manner, as that both he that writes, and they that read, may be made partakers of thebenefit, relief, and confodation, intended for his Saints in this Pfalm by theHoly Ghofi.. The two The State and Condition of the fiul reprefented in the Pflen. heft Verfes opened. The twofirft Verfs opened. The State and Conditionof the foul here reprefented, as the Balis on which the processof the Pfalm is built ; with its de- portment, or the general acing of its Faith in that flare is expref ed in the two lira Verses. Out of the depths have Icried unto thee 0 Lord. Lord hear my voyce; ht thineears be attentive to the voyce of my (applications. I. The prefint fate cf thefoul under confederation is included m that expreffion, out of the Depths.. ä ,4_,' Some of the Ancients, as Cbry tom, fuppei'ff this exhreffion to relate unto the depths of the heart of the Pfalmifi Ti 'is-iv 4 RA.6ico ,; not from the mouth or tongue only, xd\A' Ow7 esetaIas ßaO Tá7rts ; but from the depth and bottom of theheart ; áuTWV TiK d'tAvo;cas í ßátlpWs', from the deepeJt receTs of the mind. And indeed the word is tiled to exprefs the depths of the hearts

Ver. r,2. The tirofirfi verfes opened. hearts of M6n; but utterly in another fence; Pfal. 64. 6. The heart it deep.. But the obvious finfe of the place , and the confiant ufe of the word will not adrriit of this Interpretation ; è Pro- fundlt , from lrgÿ profundus fait, is i=rpcpc in the plural number, Profunditates, or depths. It is commonly ufed for Vallies or any deep places whatever, but efpecially of Wirers. rallies and deep Places, becaufe of their Darkncfs and Solitarinef(, are accounted places ofhorror, helplefnefs and trouble, Plal. 23. 4. When Iwall in the Valley of the fhadow ofDeath, that is, in the extremity of danger and trouble. The Moral ufeof the word, as exprefling the (late and con- dition of the fouls ofmen, is metaphorical. Thefe Depths then, are difficulties , or preffures attended with fear , horror, danger and trouble. And they are of two forts :. 1. Providential ; in refpeá of outward hfirefs , Calami- ties, and Affliel ions, Pfal. 69. 1.2Saye me 4 God, for the waters are come in unto myfoul; I flick in the mire of the deep, and there is no /landing, I am come, tom' 1pC903, into the depths of waters, and the flood overflows me. It is trouble and the ex- tremity ofit, that the Pfalmift complains of, and which he thus expreffcth. He was brought by it into a condition like unto a man ready to be drowned; being cati into the bottom of deep and miry waters ; where he had no firm foundation to Rand upon, nor ability to come out : as he farther explains 'himfelf, ver. 15. 2. There are internal Depths. Depths oConjcience upon . the account of fin, Pfal. 88.6. Thou haft laid me in the loweff pit, indarknefl, in thedeeps. What he intends by this expref- lion, the Pfalmift declares in the next words, v. 7. Thy wrath lyeth hard upon me. Senjè of Gods wrath upon his confcience upon the account of fin, was the deep he was cati into. So_ v. 15. fpeaking of the fame matter faith he; I filter thy ter- rors, and v. t 6. Thyfierce wrath goeth over me. Which he calls water, waves, and deeps ; according to the Metaphor before, opened. And there are the deeps that are here pxiReipally intended: Camas

The twofrit Nerfs opened. Pfsl.13o. Clamat fub molibus fluc`iibus iniquitatum Juarum layes Au- ftin on the place. He cryés out under the weight and waves of his fins. This the enfuing.Pfalmmakes evident. Deering to be de- livered from thefe depths out of which he cryed ; he deals with God wholly about mercy and forgiv ttfß; and it is fin alone, from which forgivenrfß is a Deliverance. The Doeirine alto that hepreacheth upon his Delivery, is that of lYfercy, Grace and Redemption, as is manifeli from the clofe of thePJlm. And what we have deliverance by, is moll upon our hearts when we are delivered. It is true indeed , that thefe deeps do oftentimes concurr as David fpeaks, Deep cat'eth upon deep, Pfal. 42. 7. The deeps of Àfflitìon, awaken the Confcience to a deep fenfe of fin. But fin is the Difeaf ; Affli6 ion only a Symptome of it ; and in attending a Cure, the di(eaf it feltis principally to be heeded , the Jmptome will follow, or depart of its felt. Many Interpreters think that this was now Davids conditi- on ; by great trouble and difirets, he was greatly minded of fin; and we muff not therefore wholly pats over that intend- ment of the word , though we are chiefly to raped that, which he himfelf in this.addrefs unto God , did principally regard. This in, general is the ftateand condition of the foul man - .naged in this Pfalm; and is as the ley to the enfuing dilcourfe, or thehinge on which it turns. As to my intendment from the Pfalen : T which arifeth fromhence, may be compriz- ed in thefe twPPropofitions. r. Gracious fouls, after much Communion with God, may be brought into inextricable depths and intanglements on the account offin. Forfuch the Pfalmift hereexpreffeth his own conditi- on to have been; and fuch he was. 2. The inward root of outward diftrefs, is principally to be at- tended in all preffing tryals ; fin, in A., iaiens. .. Gracious

Ter. 1,2. DepthsofTrouble on the account ofsin. 9 Gracious f tell may be brought into depths on the account of fine Depths of trouble on What thofè Depths arc. the ac- count of Sin. Before I proceed at all in the farther opening of the words; they having all of them refpec' unto the Propofition firf, laid down, i flhall explain and confirm the truth contain.d in it ; that fo it may be underflood, what wefay, and whereof we di affirm in the whole procefs of our Difeourfe. It is a fad Truth that we have propo,ëd unto confideration. He that hears it ought to tremble in himfelf, that he may reti in the day of trouble ; It fpeaks out the Apoftles advice, Rom. r t. 20. Be not high minded, but fear and that alto, r Cor. i o. i z. Let him that thínieth heffandeth , take heed left he fall. When Peter had learned this truth by woful experience, after all his boldrt Band forwardnefs, he gives this Councel to all Saints that they would pats the time of their fjourning, here in far , i Pet. 1. r4. Knowing how near in our greatefi pace and ferenity, evil and danger may lye at the door. Some few inffances of the many that are left on record, wherein this Truth is exemplified may be mentioned. Gen.6.9. Noah was a juff man, perfiti in his Generation, andNoah wal/ed with God. He did fo a long feaCon, and that in an evil time, amid-ft all forts ofTemptations, When all fi'efh had corrupted its way upon the earth, ver. 12. This put an_ eminency upon his obe- dience; and doubtlefs rendred the Communion which he had with God in walking before him, moil fweet and precious to him. He was a gracious foul upon the redoubled Teftimony ofGod himfelf. But we know what befell this holy Perfn. He that shall read the Flory that is recorded of him,Gen. 9.2 r. will eafily grant, that he was brought into inextricable diffrel on the account offin, His own drunkf.nnefl, ver. 21. with the confcquent of it, gives fcandal unto, and provokes the unna- tural Puff of his Sots, v. 22. and this leadshim to thedevoting òf that Son, and his Potierity unto Deltrudion, v. 24, 25. all which, joyned with the fence of Gods jtff indignation , from . whom he had newly received that tremendoufly miraculous C deliverance;

lo Depths of fsin, wherein they conf . pf 1. t 30. deliverance ; mutt needs overwhelm him wich forrow and anxi- ety of Spirit. Thematter is moreclear in David. Under the Old Tcfla- ment none lovedGod more than he, none was loved ofGed more than he. The Paths ofFaith andLove wherein he walked,, are unto the moll of us, like the way of an Eagle in the Air , too high and hard for us.. Yet to this very day, do the cryes of this Man after Gods own heart, found in our Ears. Some. times he complains of broken bons., fometimes of drowning depths, fometimes of waves and water-Bouts , fometimes of wounds and difeofs, fometimes of Wrath, and thefurrows ofHell, every where of hisfins, the burden and troub!e of them. Some of the occatons of his, Depths, Darknefs, Intanglements and Dittreffes, we all know. As no man had more Grace than he, fo none is a greater inflance of thepower offin, and the cf c is of its guilt upon the confcience than-he. But Inftances of this kind are obvious, and occurr to the thoughts ofall,fo that they need not be repeated. I (hall then Phew, Depths of raft, What in: particular it intended by the depths and intan- Sin,where- . to whereinto gracious foils after much i 8 laments on the account o n they ffin, Communionwith God may be calf. Secondly, Whence it comes topall, thatfo they may be, and that oftentimes f) they are. Firft, For the Firff, forme or. all of thefe things. following do eoncurr to the Depths here complained of. Fail, Loftof the wonted pule of the Love of God which the foul did formerly enjoy. There is a twofold fenfe of the Love ofGod, whereof Believers in this world may, be made partakers. There is the tranfient aiîfing of the heart by the Holy Ghoft, with ravifhing unfpeakable joyes, in apprehenfionof Gods Love, and our Relation unto him. in Chrift. This, or the immadiatc effe6} of ir, ir called, joy unfeal¿able and full ofglory, r Pet, r. 8. The Holy Ghoft (pining into the heart, with a clear evidence of the fouls intereft in all Gofpel Mercies, caufeth it to leap far joy, to exult,, and- triumph in the Lord ; as being for a eafon carried above all Cafe and thought of fin, felt, temp- tation,. or trouble.. But as; G.odzives.the bread of his HDttfe unto,

Ve .. Depths ofSin, wherein they confifi. II unto all his Children, fo thole dainties, and high Cordials he re- ferveth only for the farms, and Perffns,wheiein, and to whom he knows them to be needful, and ufeful. Believers may be without ih.i ((nfe ofLove, and yet be in no depths. Aman may be ftrong and healthy, who bath wholfom food, though hene- vcr drink Spirits and Cordials. Again, There is an abiding, dwelling fenfe of Gods Love upon the hearts of the molt of thole of whomwe (peak, whohave had long communion with God, confifling in a prevailing GoJJel perJivafion, that they are accepted with God in Chrilf. Rom. 5. I. Being juJlifted by faith, we have peace withGod. I call it a prevailing perfwafion, denotingboth the oppofition that is made unto it, by Satan and unbelief; and its efficacy in the con- quell thereof. This is the root from whence all that peace, and ordinary . conflation which Believers in this world are made partakers of, do fpring aiad grow. This is that which quickens and enlivens them unto Duty, Pfal r t6. 12, 13. and is the fait that .renders their Sacrifices and Performances favour), to God, and refrefhing to themfelves. This fupports them under their tryals, gives them peace, hopeand comfort in Life and Death. Kai. 23.. 4.. Though I walk in the valley of the Jhaddow of death, Iwill fear no evil, for thou art withme. A fenfe of Gods Pre- fence in Love, is fufficient to rebuke all anxiety and fears, in the worn and moll dreadful condition. And not only fo , but to give in the tnidll of them, Joliei Confolasion and Joy. So the Prophet expreífeth it; Bab. 3.17, t8. Although the Fig-tree"hall not bGfm, neither (hall fruit be in the Vines, the labour of the Olive (hall fail, and the fields (hall yieldno meats the flocks Jhall k cut off from thefold, and there Pall be no herd in theflails Jet I will re»yce in the Lord, I will joy in theGod ofmy falvation. And this is thatfinfe of Love, which the choicefl Believers may lofe on the account of fin. This is one hep into their depths. They (hall not retain any fuch Gdel apprehenfion of it, as that it fhould give them re(l, peace, or confolation ; that it fhould influence their fouls with delight in Duty, or fupportanent in tryal; And the Nature hereof will be afterwards more ful- ly etplained. Secondly, Perplexed thoughtfu!nejl about tbeir great andwatch.... C 2 ed

I 2 Depths ofSin, wherein they cone. Pfal. f 3 o, ed unkindnefi towards God, are another part of the Depths of fin-intangled fouls. So David complains, Pfal. 77. 3, I remem- bred God, faith he, and was troubled. How comes the Remem- brance ofGod to be unto him a matter of trouble ? in other Places he profeflreth , that it was all his relief and fup. portrnent. How comes it to be an occafion of his trouble? All had not been well between God and him ; and whereas for- merly in his Remembrance of God, his thoughts were chic* exercifed about his Love and Kindnef now they were wholly pofíeft with his own fin andunkindgl.. Thiscaufeth his trou- ble. Herein lyes a(hare of the intanglements occafioned by fin. Saith tech a foul in its 111f; foolifh creature, Batt thou thus re- quited the Lord ? Is this the return that thou haft made unto him for all his love, his kindnefs, his confolations , mercies ? Is this thy kindnefs for him, thy love to him ? Is this thy kindnefs to thy Friend ? Is this thy boafling of him, that thou hadft found fo much Goodnefs and Excellency in him and his Love, that though all men fhould forfàle him, thou never wouldff do fo ? Are all thy Promifes, all thy Engagements which thoumadeft unto God, in times of diftrefs, upon prevailing obligations, and mighty impreffiions of his Good Spirit upon thy íòu1, now come to this, that thou fhould(t fo foolifhly for- get, neglect., defpife, cart him off ? Well! now be is gone; he is withdrawn from thee, and what wilt thou do ? Art thou not even afhamed to delire him to return ? They were thoughts of this nature, that cut Peter to the heart upon hisfall. The foul finds them cruel as Death, andffroxg as the Grave. It is bound in the chains of them, and cannot be comforted , Pfalm 38.: 3, 4, 5, 6. And herein confifts a great part of the depths en- quired after. For this contideration excites, and puts an edge upon all grieving, tiraightning, perplexing Alf pions which are the only means whereby the foul cf a man may be in- wardly troubled, or trouble it fell; fuch are f rrorn and fhame, with that felf- dif'licency and Revenge wherewith they are at- tended. And as theirReafon and Object in this cafe do tran- fcend all other occafions of them, fo on noother account do tLey caufe filch fevere and perplexing refluions on the foul as on this, Thirdly,

ICY Ver. T , 2 Depths of Sin, wherein they cunf ft. Thirdly, A revived finfé of jujily deferved wrath, belongs alfo to thefe depths. This is as the op.ningof nib/wounds, When men have pafUd through a fen]e of' wrath, and have obtained deliverance and reft through the biooi of Chrift, to corne to their old thoughts again, `o bc: trading afrefh with Hú, Curfr, Law, and Wrath, it is a c1'''rh indeed. And this often b:falls gracious fouls on the account of tin , Pfalm 8S. 7. `I h) wrath !yet!) hard upon me, faith H- nun. I t preifed and crulhed him for ly. There is a f lf-judging as to the def rt of wrath, which is c0nfiflent with a comforting perfwation of an Intere'1 in Chrifl. This the foul tirids fiveet; eft in, as it lycs in a fitbfer- viency to the exaltation ofGrace. But in this cafe, the foul is left under it without that relief. It plungeth it f if into the Curti of the Law and flames ofHell, without any cheering fup- port ment from the blood of Chriíi. This is walking in the val- ley of thefhadow ofdeath. The f ul. converfith with death, and what feems to lye in a tendency thereunto. The Lord alfo to increafe his perplexities, puts new life and fpirit into the Law; gives it a frefh Commiffim as it were to take filch a one into its Cuflody ; and the Lawwill never in this world be wanting unto its Duty. Fourthly, Oppreffing itprehenfions of temporal Judgements, concurr herein alto; for God will judge his People. And judge- ment often begins at the Houle of God. ThoughGod, faith filch a one, fhould not call meoff for ever, though he thould pardon my iniquities, yet he may fo take vengeance of my inventions,as to make me feed on gall and wormwood all my dayes. Pja /. I I 9. 120. faith David, Ñty fifth trembleth for fear of thee , and I am afraid of thy Judgements. He knows not what the great God may bring upon him; and being full of afenfe of the guilt offizz, which is the bottom of this whole condition, every Judgement of. God is full of terror unto him. Sometimes he thinks, God may lay open thefilth of his heart, and make him a fcandal and a reproach in the world; Ppd. 39. 8, Oh, faith. he, rnáke me not a reproach to the foolifh. Sometimes he tremblei WI God fhould (trìke him fuddainlywith force fg'najudgement, arid take him out of the world , in darknefs and furrow ; fo faith David, take me not away in thy wrath. Sometimes he fears left he (hall be C 3 like

Depths ofSin, wherein they.con(i. Pfal. t 3 0. like Jonah , and raise a Norm in his Family , in the Church whereof he is a Member, or in the whole Nation. Let them not he ashamed for my fake. Tnc fe things make his heart [oft as Job fpeaks, and to melt within him. When any i fusion or publick judgement of God, is taftned to a quick livu;g feare of fin in the Confcience, it overwhelms the foul ; whether it be only ju/illy feared, or be ac;}ually in ; as was the cafe of yofeph's Brethren in _Egypt. The foul ins then rolled from one deep to another. Senfe of fin, casts it on theconfideration ofits 1AffDion ; and AfilOion turns it back on a f nfe of fin. So deep calleth unto deep, and all Gods billows go over the f ul. And they do each of them make the foul tender, and fharpe.n its fenfe un- to the other. Afiubon Blew the foul; fo that the fenfe of fin cuts the deeper , and makes the larger wounds ; and the fenfe offin weakens the foul, and makes 47167ion fit the heavier, and foencreafeth its burden. In this cafe, that Ai]lilion which a man inhis ufual flare of fpiriival peace, could have embraced . as a Tweet pledge of Love, is asgoads and thorns in his tide, de- priving him of all refs and quietnef ; God makes it, as thorns and briars wherewith he will teach flubburn fouls their duty, as Gideon did the Man ofSuccoth. Fifthly, There may be added hereunto, prevailing fears for a fatn, of being utterly rejeîled by God, ofbeing found a Repro- bate at the lath day. Jonah feems to conclude fo, Chap. 3. 4. /ben I Paid, 1 am call out of thy fight. I am loft for ever, God will own me no more. And Heman, Pfalm 88. 4, 5. I am counted with them that go down into the pit Free among the dead, like the(lain that lye in the grave, whom thou remembrejt no more, and they are cut offfrom thy band. This may reach the foul, un- til the forrows ofHell encompass it, and lay hold upon it ; un- till it be deprived of comfort, peace, refi, until! it be a terror to itsíelf, and be ready to choofe ftrangling rather than life. This may befall atrocious foul on the account of fin. But yet be- caufe this figts direc 1y againfi the Life ofFaith, God Both not, uniefs it be in extraordinary cafes , suffer any ofhis to lye long in this horriblepit, where there is no water, no refreth- 'ment. But thisoften falls.out, that even the Saints themfelves are left for a feafon to a fearful exile latian of judgement, and fiery

Ver.1,2. Depths ofSin, wherein they conrif. fiery indignation,as to the prevailingapprehenfon of their minds. And, Sixthly, God Pretty fends his Arrows into the f ul, that mound and gall it, addingpain, trouflr, and diffuietneß to its difeonfola- Lion. Pfalm 38. 2. Thine arrows (lick faff in me, and thy hind preffeth me fore. Ever and anon in his walking, Goi fhot a fharp piercing arrow, fixing it-on his foul that galled, wound- ed, and perplexed him, filling him with pain and grievous vexation. Thefe arrows are Gods rebukes, Pfal. 3 9. I r . When thou with rebukes doff corgi manfor iniquity. God speaks in his Word, and by his Spirit in the Confefence, things (harp and bit- ter to the foul, faflning them fo as it cannot thake them out. Thefe lob fo moúrnfully complains of, Chap. 6.4. The Lord fpeaks words, with that efh;acy, that they pierce the heart quite through ;. and what the iffue then is, David declares,Pfal.38 3. ThereN no f undnefl, faith he, in myfíefh, becaufe of thine anger, nor is there any reff in my bones becaufe of my fin. The whole perfon is brought under the power of them, and all health and reti is taken away ; and Seventhly, Vnf3iritedneßand difability unto Duty, in dointg or fttfring, attend fuch a condition, Pfal. 40. 52. Mine iniquities have taken hold upon me,f5 that Iam ndt able to lookup.Hisiiritual ftrength was worn away by fin, fo that he was not able to ad- dref;himfeIf unto any communion withGod. The foul now cannotpray with life and power ; cannot hear with jly and profit ; cannot do good and communicate with cheerfulnefs and freedom ; cannot meditate with delight and heavenlyminded- net's ; cannot altfor Godwith zeal and liberty, , cannot thinkof fufring withboldnefs and refolution ; but isfiek, weak,feeble and bowed down. Now, I fay, a gracious foul after much communion withGod; may on the account of tin, by a fenfe of the guilt of it, be brought into a Rate and condition, whereinfime, more, or all of thefee, with other, the like perplexities , may be ,its portion. And thefe makeup theDepths whereof the Pfalmiff herecom.. plains. What are the fins, or of what forts, that ordinarily cati the fouls of. Believers into thefe depths thall be afterwards declared. I fhall now fhew both whence it is) that Believers Ma)

i 6 The Nature andExtent of. /ùpplies of Grace, P.f4i.i30 . may iuch a condition ; as alto whence it is that often- times, they atíu:r/ly do fo. The Na- Whence it it that Believers may he brought into depths -4n the ac- ture and tent of count offin. Nature of the firpplies of Grace given in the fuppliesof Covenant. Hotsfar theyextend. Prineip,'es of the power Grace ac of fin. cording to the Cove- Firû, The Nature of the Covenant wherein all Believers now naps. walk with God, and wherein all their rnhvie provifion for obedi- ence is enwrapped, leaves it poff'ihle for them to fall into thefe depths that have been mentioned. Under the fu t Covenant, there was no mercy or forgiveneft provided for any fin. It was neceffary then that it fhould exhibit a fufciency of Grace to pre{erve fronbeverylin, or it could have been of no Life at all. This the Rieoufnefs of God required, and fo it was. To have made a Covenant wherein there was no provifion at all of pardon, and not a fuftciency of.Grace to keep the Covenanters from need of pardon, was not anfwerable to the Goo.{nets and .nigh teoutnefs of God. But he made man upright who of his own accord fought out many inventions. It is not fo in the Covenant of Grace ; There is in it pardon provided-in the blood of Chritíl; It is not therefore of indi- ienfiblenece ty that there fhonld be adrninitlred in it, Grace of Plualy preferving from every fin : Yet is it on all accounts to be preferred before the oth-=r. For b°fìdes the relief by pardon which theother knew nothing of,there is in it alío muchprovifion againtl tin whichwas nor in the other. Firft, There is provifion made in it, rc ain,f all and everyfin that woulddifannul/ the Covenant, and make a final fparation be- tween God and a foul that bath been' once taken into the bond- thereof. This provifion is abflute ; God bath taken up- on himfelf the making Of' this good and the efiabl;fhing this Law-of the Covenant, that it fhan not by any fin Ee difannulIed, Jer. j2. 40. Twill' ( faith God) make an everlaffing Covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them to do them good, but Iwillput my fear into their hearts, that they (hall not depart from me. The feeurityhereof depends not on any thing in our (elves.

Ver. T,2. according to the Covenant. I7 hives. All that is in us is to be utèd as a means of the 'accom- pl thment of this Promife ; but the event or iliue depends ab- fólutely on the fairhfulnefs ofGot And the whole .certainty and liability of the Covenant depends on the efficacy of the Grace adminilired in it, to prcferve men from all fuch fins as would difanull it. Secondly, There is in this'Covenant provifion made for conhlant peace and crnfolation, notwithstanding, and againJi the guilt offilch fWU, as through their infirmities and temptations believer; are daily expofed unto. Though they fall into fins every day, yet they do not fall into depths every day. In the tenour of this Cove- nant, there is a conti1 envy between a fenfe of fin unto humili- ation and peace, with ftrong confolation. After the Apoftle had defcribcd the whole conflua that Relievers have with tin, and the frequent wounds which they receive theriby, which makes them cry out for deliverance, Rom. 7. 24. He yet concludes, Chap. 8. i. that there is no condemnation unto them , which is a Efficient and fiable foundation of Peace. So i John 2. r. Thep things have I written unto you, thatyou fin not; and if any man fin we have an Advocate with the Father, Jefus Chrifl the Righteous. Our great bulinefs and care ought to be, that we fin not ; but yet when we have done our utmoft, ifwefay we have nofin, we deceive our (elves, Chap. t. 8. What then (hall poor, finful, guilty creatures do? why let themgo to the Father, by their Advocate, and they (hall not fail ofpardon and peace. And faith Paul, Heb 6. 17, t8. God is abundantly willing that we might have Jlrong confolation whofly for refuge to lay hold on the hope fit before us. What was his condition who fled of old to theCity of refuge for fafety, from whence this expreflion is taken ? He was guilty ofblood, though flied at unawares ; and fo, as that he was to dye for it, if he efcaped not to the City of Refuge. Though we may have the guilt of fins upon us, that the Law pronounceth death unto, yet flying to Chrifl for r[sge, God bath providednot only fafety, but flrong confolation for us allo. Forgivenefs in theblood of Chrifl, doth not only take guilt from the foul, but trouble alfo from the confcience. And in this refped doth the Apoftle at large fet forth the Excellen cy of his Sacrifice, Lich, to. TheSacrifices of the Old Law, he D tells

The Nature and Extent o ff pplies of Grace, Pfal.t 30.. tells us, could not make perfect the worfhippers, v. i. which he proves, v. 2. becauGe they did never take away, throughly and really,Confèience of fn;that is,depths or diffreffls ofconfcierrce about tin ; But now, faith he, Jails Chrift in the Covenant of Grace hath for ever perfCled them that werefanflified, v. r.}. providing for them fuch Liable peace and conlolation, as that they (hail not need the renewing of Sacrificer every day, v. 18. This is the great to}Jterie of the Gofpcl in the blood ofC:hriUt; that thofé who fin every day, fhould have peace with God all their days. Provided theirErns fall within the compifs of thofe infirmities, againll which this confolation is provided. Thirdly, There is provifion made of Grace,. to prevent andpre- f%rve the foul from great and enormous fins, fuch as in their own nature, are apt to wound confcience, and call t he perlon into fuch depths and intangiements as wherein he lhall have neither rat nor peace. Ofwhat fort theft fins are, (hall be afterwards declared. There is in this Covenant Gracefor Grace, Joh,1.16. and abundance of Grace, adminiflred from the Ai,f4lne of Chrift. Grace reigneth in it, Rom.. 6.6. deltroying and crttcif). ing the body of fin. But this Provifion in the Covenant ofGrace againfl peace-ru- ining, foul-perplexing tins, is not as to the adminiftration of it, abfolute. There are Covenant Commands and Exhortations , on the attendance whereunto , the adminiffration of much Cove- nant-Grace doth depend. To, watch, pray, improve faith, to land on our guard continually, to mortifie fin, to fight againtt temptations, with (tedfafinefs, diligence, conflancy. , are every where prefcribed unto us; and that in order unto the enfurmce of the Grace mentioned. Thefe things are of our part, the condition of the Admirlilfration of that abundant Grace, which is to preferve us from foul-entangling fins. So Ptter informs us, 2 Ep. i. v. z. The divinepower of God bath given unto to all things thatpertain unto life and godlinef;. Wehave from it an habitual furnifhment and provifion for obedience at all times. Alfo faith he, v. 4. He bathgiven untous great andpretiouspro - mifes, that by them we might be partakers of the Divine Nature; What then is in this bleffed eflate and condition required ofus, that we may make a.due improvement,of . the provifion made foi

Ver. i ,^ according to the Covenant. for us, and enjoy the comforting influ Lice of thole Promifes ? that he prefcribes unto us, v. 5, 6,7. Giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, and to vertue 1Znoivledge, and to knowledge tem.. perance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godlineJ?, and to god linejs brotherly kindne;?, and to bro,therÿ kjndnef? charity That is carefully and diligently attend to the exercife of all the Graces of the Spirit, and unto a converfation to all things b °cumin} the Gofpel. What then (hall be the Slue, if there things are attended unto ? v. 8. If thefe things be in you, and abound, ye(hall be neither barren nor unfruitful, in the kn) ledge of our Lord Jtfus Chrifl. It is not enough that thefe things be in you; that you have the fed and root of thcm from and by the Holy Ghoíi ; but you are to take care that they flour& and abound; without which, though the root of the matter niay be inyou, and fo you be not wholly devoid of fpiiitual yet you will be poor, barren, faplefs, withering creatures, all your days. But now fuppofe: that there things do abound, and we be made fruitful thereby : Why then faith he, v. i o. 1f you do thfè things ye /hall neverfall : What never fall into fin.? Nay, that is not in the Promif. ; and he that layes, when he bath done all, that he loath no f n, he is a Lyar. Or is it ne- ver fall totally from God ? No, the prefervation of the Eleet, of whom he (peaks, from total Apfraf e, is not fiafpended on Inch conditions, efpecially not on any degree of them, fuck as their abounding imports. But it is that they fhall not fall into their old fins from which they were purged , v. 9. Such Confci- ence walling, and defiling fins, as they lived in, in the time and (late of their Utiregeneracy. Thus though there be in the Covenant of Grace through Jefus Chrif, , Provilioi made of abundant fupplies for the fouls prefervation from entangling fins ; yet their Adminifration path refpeó unto our diligent attendance unto the means ofreceiving them appointed for us to walk in. And here lyes the latitude of the New Covenant ; here lyes the exercife of renewed Free-will. This is the field of free voluntaryobedience under the Adminiftration of Gofpel Grace. `there are extreams which in refpeá of the event it is not con- cerned in. To be whollyperfee7, to be free from every fin, all D 2 tailings,

20 The Nature andExtent o, f, &c. Pfal. i 3 failings, all infirmities, that is not provided for, not pronged in this<Covenant. It is a Covenant of mercy and pardon, which fuppofeth a continuanceof tin. To fall utterly and finally from God, that is abfllutely'provided againtl. Between there two extreams of abfiluteperflion, and total ApoJtafie, lyes the large Field of B,lievers obedience and walking with God. Many a fweet heav;:nly paffage there is, and many a dangerous depth in this field. Some walk near to the one fide, tome to the other ; yea, the fame pertòn may fometimes preis hard after Perfe6tìon, fometimes be calf to the very border of del1rudion. Now between there two, lye many a foul-plunging fin, againfi which no abfolute provifion is made, and which for want of giving all diligence to put the means of prefervation in pra dic%, Believers are oftentimes overtaken withal. Fourthly, There is not in the Covenant of Grace, Provifion made of ordinary andabiding confolation, for any under the guilt of great ins, or fins greatly aggravated, which they fall into by a negleôfof ufing and abiding in the forementioned con - ditions of abounding aúual Grace. Sins there are , which ei- ther becaufe in their own nature they wound and watfe con- fcience, or in their !pills break forth into fcandal, caufing the name of God and the Gofpel tobe evil fpoken of,. or in fome of their circumflances, are full of unkindnefs againfl God, do deprive the foul of its wonted .confolation. How, by what means, on what account fuch fins come to terrifie confcience, to break the bones, to darken the foul, and to cafi it into inex- tricable depths notwithfianding the relief that is provided of pardon in the blood of Chrifi, I (hall not now declare; that they will do fo, and that Confolation is not of equal extent with fafety, we know. Hence God affumes it tohimfeifas an alb of meer Soveraign Grace, to Peak, peace and refrefhment unto the foulsof his Saints in their depths of fin entanglements, ¡fa. 57. 18, 79. And indeed if the Lord had not thus pro- vided, that greatprovocations, íhould ¡land in need offfecial re- liefs, it might jufily be feared, that the negligence of Be- lievers, might poulibly bring forth much bitter fruit. Only this mull be obferved by the way, that what is fpoken relates to thefenfe of finners, in their own fouls, and not to the nature

Ver.1,2. The Powerofindwellinrg-S1>,. 2 I nature of the thing it felt. Tncre is in the Go(pel, conflation provided againti the greate)t', as well as the leaf£ tins. The dif- ference arifeth from Gods Sovragn communication of it, according to that tenor of the Covenants Adminiftration, which we havelaid down. Hence becaufe under Mofrs's Law there was an exception made of Come fins, for which there was no Sacrifice appointed, fo that thole who were guilty of them could no way be ju(1ifiedfrom them, that is carnally, as to their intereft in the Judaical Church and Polity ; Paul tells theJews, Ads 13. 38, 39. That through Jeftrs Chrift was preach- ed unto them the forgivenefl of fins, and that by him all that believe are jufiified from all things, from which they could not be jujfifledby the Law ofMoles. There is now no exception of any particu- lar fins, as to pardon, and peace ; but what we have fpoken relates unto the manner and way, wherein God is pleafed to adminifter confolation to the fouls of finningBelievers. And this is the Evidence which I (hall offer to prove, that thefouls of Believers , after much Gracious Communionwith God, may yet fall into inextricable depths on the account offin ; whence it is that allually they oftentimes do fo, [hall be farther de- clared. The Principles of this Afï'ertion, are known, I [hall therefore oePo1r only touch upon them. Iron Sin. Firfl, Thenature of Indwelling-fin, as it remains in the bete of the Saints in this life, being a little confidered , will evidence untous, from whence it is that they are fometimes furprized, and plunged into the depths mentioned. For, Ertl, Though the (frength of every fin be weakned by Grace, yet the root of nofin, is in this life wholly taken away. Luft is like the flubborn Canaanites, who after the general conquett of the Land, .would yet dwell in it í{i11, Judg..17. 12. indeed when Iliad grew firong they brought them under tribute, but they could not utterly expell them. The Kingdom and Rule belongs to Grace ; and when it grows firong it brings fin much under; but it will not wholly be driven:out. The Body ofDeath, is not utterly to be doneaway, but inand by the Death of theBody. In the Alb of the heft Saints Acre dwelletbno D 3 good