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aoo Forgivenefl as it relates Pfal.i 3o, Nowof this purpofi of Gods Grace, there are teveral Ads, all of them relating unto Gofpel forgiven4 FirLt, There is hispurpof of fending his Sort to be the great means of procuring, of purchafìng forgivenrß. Though God be infinitely and incomprehenfibly gracious, though he purpofe to ex.rt his Grace and Goodnefs toward finners, yet he will fo do it, do it in fuck a way, as (hall not b: prejudicial to his own Holinefs' and Righteoufnefs. His Jultice mutt be CatiL ried, and his holy indignation againit fin made known. wherefore he purpofeth to find bis Son, and hath fent him, to make way for the exercife of M. rcy ; fó as no way to eclipt'e the glory of his lattice, Holinefs, and hatred of fin. Better we fhould all eternally come íhort offorgivenefs, than that God fhould lofe any thing of his glory. This we have, Rom 3.25. Godfit him forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood,, to declare his righteoufnefì for the remiffion of fnt that are paJt. The Remion of fins is the thing aimed at ; but this mutt be fo brought about, as that therein, not only the mercy, but the Highteoufnefs ofGod may be declared ; and therefore mull it be brought forth by a propiti, :tion, or making of an Atonement, in the blood of Chriff. So John 3. 16. r John4.9. Kam.5.8,. This, 1 fay, allo lyes in the mylterie of that forgivenefs that is adminifired in the Gofpel ; It comes forth from this eternal purpofe of making way by the blood of Chrifl to the diJ nfa- tion ofpardon. And this greatly heightens the excellency of this difcovery. Men who have flight thoughts of Go i, whole hearts were never awed with his dreador greatnefs, who ne- ver fcrioufly contìdered his purity and holinels, may think it no great matter that God fhould pardon fin. But do they confider the way whereby it was to be brought about ; even by the finding ofhis only Son, and that to dye, as we fhall fee af- terwards. Neither was there any other way whereby it might be done. Let us now lay afide common thoughts, Affent upon reports and tradition, and rightly weigh this matter. Doubt - lefs we íhall find it to be a great thing, that forgivenefs timid be fo with God, as to be madeout unto rrs, (weknow fome- what what we are) byfinding his only Son to dye. Oh how little is this really believ«d, even by them who make a pro- letlton