á ri it 102 Forgivene as it hath Pfal..r 3c. be confidcred in this matter ; and that is his eternal defignation of the Perfms who (hill be made partakers of this mercy. He hath not left this thing to hazard and uncertainties, that it (hould as it were be unknown to :himwho should be pardoned, and who not. Nay, noneever are made partakers of forgiveneßl, bat thole whom he hath eternally and gracioufly defigned thereunto. So the Apoftle declares it, Eph. r. 5, 6, 7. the rife is his eternal Predeftination ; the end, the glory ofhis Grace, the means, Redemption in the blood of Chriftl ; the 'thing it felt' forgivmeß of fins. None ever are, or can be made partakers thereof, but by vertue of this AU of Gods Will andGrace , which thereupon bath a peculiar influence, into it, and is to be re- fpe6 ed in the conliçeration ofit. I know this may be abufed by pride, profanenefs and unbelief; and fo may the whole work of Gods Grace ; and fo it is, even the blood of Chrift in an efpecial manner; but in its proper place and ufe, it hath a fignal influence into the glory of God, and the con- folation of the fouls of men. There are alto other Ads of this purpofe ofGods Grace, as of giving finners unto Chri(t, and giving (inners an in- tereft in . Chrift, which I (hall not infift upon, becaufe the nature of them is fuificiently difcovered in that one explained already. Secondly, Forgivenefi hath refpe6t unto the Propitiation made Forgive- in and by the blood ofChrift the SonofGod. This was de- batharet Glared in the opening of the words. Indeed here lyes the fpeftto the knot and centerofGofpelforgivenefl. It flows from theCroft, blood of and fprings out of the Grave of Chrift. Drift Thus Elibu defcribes it, Job 33. 24. God iigraciotu unto him., and faith, deliver him from going' down to the pit, I have found a ranßm. The whole of what is aimed at, lyes in thefe words. Cr. ) There is Gods gracious and merciful heart to wards a firmer; Ile it gracious, unto bin. ( a.) There is A6ival Condonation it Pelf, of_which we íhall treat. afterward-; Lie faith,,deliver himfrom,going down to the pit. And (3.)There is the center of the whole,whereinGods gracious heart and aäual pardondo meet; and that is theranfeme, thepropitiation or at- tonement