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104 Forgivenef as it hath Praia 30, him, 2. Cor. I. 20. Ail the Promifes of God, are in himYea, and in himAmen; that is, faithfully, and irrevocably , and im- mutably efiablifiv.d. And therefore the Apotile having told us, that this is the Covenant of God, that be would be merciful to our fine and iniquities., Heb. 8. 12. He informs us, that in the undertakingof Chritt, this Covenant is become a Te]iament, Chap. 9. 15, z6, 17. So ratified in his blood, that mercy and forgivenefs of fin is irrevocably confirm, d unto us therein. Thirdly, Bccaufe he hash in his own Perfòk as the Head of the Church, received an aequitment f r the whole body; His Perfonal difcharge upon the accomplìfhment of his work , was a pledge of the difcharge which was in due time to be given to his whole myflical body. Peter tells us, Ads 2.24. That it was impof- fible hefhould be detained by death. And why fo ? b ycaufc death being penally infbacd on him, when he had paid the debt, he was legally to be acquitted ; Now for whom, and in whofe name and ¡lead he fuffered , for them, and in their name and ítead, he received his acquitment. Fourthly, Becauîc upon his death, God the Father bath com- mitted unto him the wh,,le management of the bufn f? of forgive- nefs, Ads 5. 3r. He ( now) gives repentance and the forgive- nefs of fins. It is Chrill that firgives us, Col. 3. 13. All for- givenefs is now at his difpofal,and he pardoneth whom he will; even all that are given unto himof the Father, not catlingout any that come to God by him. He is intruded with all the Laor:s of his Fatherspurpofe, and his own purchafe ; and thence tells us, that all things that the Father loath are his, John t6. 15. In all thefe refpe6is doth forgivenefs relate to the blind of Chriff. Mercy, Pardon and Grace, could find no other way to iffue forth from the heart of the Father, but by the heart blondof the Son, and fo do they (cream unto the heart of the firmer. Two things are principally to be contidered in the refpe0 that forgivenefs bath to the blood of Chriti. (r.) The way of its Procurement , ( 2. ) The way of its Ad,î;inifiraiion by him : The fiat is deep,myflerious,dreadful. It was by his blood; the blood of theCrofs, the travel of his foul ; his undergoing wrathand curfe. (2.) The other is gracious, merciful and tender;