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Ver.4. What Faithrefec .r in Forgivene". I07 and merciful, who knaweth but he will return. And when faith bath well laid hold on this confideration, it will not eafìly be driven from its.expedation of relief and forgivenefs, even from hence. Secondly, Sometimes the foul by faith addreffcth it felt in .a peculiar manner to the Soveraignty ofGods IYill ; whereby he is gracious to whom he will be gracious, and merciful to whom he will be merciful, which as was (hewed, is another contiderable Spring or Principle of forgivenefs. This way Dzvids faith neared him in his great ilreight and perplexity, 2 Sam. 15.25, z6. If I (hallfind favour in the eyes of the Lord, he will bring me again; but if he thus ¡ay, I have no delight in thee, behold here am I, let him do unto me asfeeen eth good unto him. That which he bath in confederation is, whether God have any delight in himor no that is, whether God would gra- cioufly remit and pardon the great fin againft which at that time- he manifcflcd his indignation. Here he layes himfelf down before the Soveraign Grace of God, and awaits patiently the difcovery of the free Í4l of his Will concerning him; and at this door, as it were, enters into the confideration of thofe other Pings of pardon, whichFaith enquires after and clofeth withal. This fometimes is all the cloud that appears to a difirtired foul, which after a while fills the Heavens by the addition of the other confederations mentioned , and yields plentifully rfrefhing Jhowers. And this condition is a fin en- tangled foul oft-times reduced unto in looking out for re- lief; It can difcover nothing but this, that God is able, and can if he gracioufly pleafe relieve and acquit him.. All other fupportments, all fprings of relief are Phut up, or hid from him. ThePings indeed may be nigh, as that was to Hagar, but their eyes are withheld,that they cannot fee them. Where- fore theycart themfelves on Gods Soveraign pleafure, and fay with Job, though he flay us, we will put our truft in him, we will not let him go. In our (elves we are loft, that is, un- queftionable ; how the Lord will deal with us we know not we fee not our figns and tokens any more ; evidences ofGods Grace in us, or of his Love and favour unto us, are all out of fight. To a prefeat fpeeial intereff in Chrift we are tiran- P 2 gers;