Ver.4. Particular Affiurance attainable. 113 Firf, It is juppofeed that there may be a gracious perfwafion Particular and Afttrance of faith, in a man, concerning his ownparticular Aílùrance interest in forgiveneß. A min may, many do believe it for them- attainable. felves , fo as not only to have the benefit of it, but the com- fort alío. Generally all the Saints mentioned in Scripture had this Afjurance, unlefs it were in the cafe of depths, diftreffes, and dejertions, fuch as that in this Pfalm. David expreffeth his confidence of the Love and favour of God unto his own foul hundreds oftimes. Paul loth the fame for himfelf, Gal.2.2o. Chriji' loved ME and gave himfelf F OR ME, 2 Tim. y.. 8. There is laid up for me a Crown of Righteoufnefs, which God the righteous lulige(hall give me at that day And that this boating in the Lord and his Grace, was not an cnclofure to himfelf, he fhewes Korn. 8. 38, 39. Nothing can be more vain, than what is ufually pleaded, to remove this Sheat Anker of the Saints Confolation , namely that na mans particular name is in the Promife. It is not faid to this or that man by name, that his fins areforgiven him. But the matter is far otherwife. To think that it is neceffary, that the names whereby we are known among our felves, and are diftinguifhed here one from another , fhould be writ- ten in the Promif, that we may believe in particular every one for himfelf, is a fond conceit. The new name of every Child ofGod is in the Promife. And believing makes it ve- ry legible to him. Yea, we find byExperience that there is no need of Argumentation in this cafe. The foul by a direel All of faith believes its own forgivenefs, without making inferences or gathering conclufions , and may do fo, upon the Propofition of it to be believed in the Promife. But I will, not digrefs from my work in hand ; and therefore (hall only obferve one or two things upon the Suppofition laid down. Eirft,