A Paraphrafe. Ver. 4. BVt O L, rd, this is not abf',luteiy and univcrfat) the ftate òfqßutthere things between thy Mtjefty and poor fnners ; Thou art in shy nefsfwrch e' N.tture infinitely Good andGracious., ready andfree in the purpofs thee : that of thy will to receive them. And there is fuch a blffed thou nàad way made for the exercifi of the holy inclinations and purpofes be feared. of thy h=art towards them, in the mediation and blood of thy dear Son , That they have oftiredfoundations of concluding and belie- ving, that there is pardon and forgivenefs with thee for them; and which in the way of thine appointments they may be par- taers of. This way therefore will I, with all that fear thee per- fit l in : I will not give over, leave thee, or turn from thee, through my fears, difecuragements, and defpondencies ; but will abide conliantly in the offrvation of the worfhip which thou halt pre- fribed ; and theperformance of the Obedience which thou dJt re- quire ; having great encouragements fo to do. Ver. 5. L. herein, upon the account of the forgivenefl that is with %. I wait thee, O Lord , do I wait with all patience , quietneß and for the perfeverance. In this work is my whole foul engaged ; even in an Lord , my earneft expe i ion of thy approach unto me , in a way o race doand and mercy. And fir my encouragement therein, haft thou given in his word out unto me a bledword of Grace, afaithful word of promife, do I hope. wherein my hope isfixed. Ver. 6. Ea in the er ormance and di char' e of this dut foul óa foul pf 1 g f y,myf is intent upon thee, and in its wholeframe turned towards thee, the Lord, and that with fùch diligence and watchfulnef?in looping out after more Than every way, and means of thy appearance , of thy manifeflation of thy they, that g f lf, and coming untome, that Iexcell therein thofe who with longing watch the rton- 'defire herdfuelnefs , and earneft expeîiation , do wait and watch ing, I fay, for the appearance of the morning and that either that they may more than ref from their night watcher, or have lightfor the duties of thy tllor- they that at flip in '.e Temple, which they are molt delighted in. for the morn- Ver. s, ii g.