1 2 It. L :3 ,,. Means whereby aDrfcovery Pfal 130. the inexorablenefs and tiritnefs of the Law, and the natural adir1gs of confcience, riling up againfl all hopes of forgive. nefs. All thefe are by thisfaith removed, and taken out of the way. Where this faith is, it difcoverynot only forgivemfl, as hath been íh:.wed, but alfo the true nature ofGoJfeif'srgiveneft It reveals it as flowing from the Gracious Heart of the Father, through the bloodof the Son. Now this Propitiation in the blood of the Son, removeth all there dffiiculties, even antece- dently unto our fpecial fnfe of an interdl therein. It thews how all the properties of God may be exalted, and the Law fulfilled, and yet forgivenefs given out to (inners. And here- in lyes no finals advantage unto a foul in its approaches unto God. All thole dreadful Apprehenfions of Gott , which were wont to beret him in the fiat thoughts of taming to him, arc now taken out of the way , fo that he can quietly apply himfelf unto his own particular concernments before him. 2. In particular, it removes the overwhelming confideration of the unffreakable greatnrf?offin; This preff th the foul to death when once the heart is poffeffed. with it. Werenot their fins fo grét, fuch as no heart can imagine, or tongue declare , it might pof ibly be well with them, fay»difireíf'ed ¡inners. They are not Co troubled that they are fnners , as that they are great finners ; Not that there, and thole fins they are guilty of, but that they are great fins attended with fearful aggra- vations. O;herwife they could deal well enough with them. Now though this difcovery free men not from the entangle- ment of their fins as theirs; yet it doth, from the whole en- tanglement of their fins, as great and many. This confiderati- on may be abfiraáed. The foul fees enough in God to for- give great fins, though it doth not as yet, to forgive his fns. Thatgreat fins (hall be.pardoned, this difcovery puts out of Q .eIlion. Whether hisfin (hall be pardoned, is now all the enquiry. Whatever any faith can do, that Oil faith will do, unlefs it be the making ofparticular Application of the things believed unto it fell.. The foul then can no longer juflly be troubled about the greatneß offin ; the infinitenefs offorgive- Inds that he fees in God will relieve him againfl it. All that