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. V er.4. Sacrifies an Evidence ofForgivenef5: 143 yfe-...e.. fidés the Apoftle tells us, that without fbedding of blood there was no remif;n, Heb. 9. 22. That is, God todemontirate that all pardon and forgivenefs related to the blood ofhrifl from the foundation of the world, gave out no word of pardon, but by and with blood. Now I have Cn_wed before, that he reveal- ed pardon in the fIrfl promite, and therefore there enCued thereon the faedding of bloodand Sacrifices; and thereby that Teffament or Covenant was dedicated with blood allo , ver. i 8. Sonne think that the Bealts, ofwhole skins God made garments for Adam, were offered in Sacrifices. Nor is their conjecture vain. Yea, it Teems not to want a fhaddow of a Ge#el My- fterie ; that their nakednff which became their Cndme upon their fin, ( whtnce the pollution and (hame of Cm is frequently fo termed) fhould be covered with the shins of their Sacrifices. For in the true Sacrifice, there is Comewhat anCwerable there- unto. And the Righteoufnels of him whole Sacrifice takes away theguilt of our fin, is called our cloathing, that hides our pollution and fhame. 3. That after the giving of the Law, the greatefl, moli no. ble, and folemn part of the Worfhip of God confìfled in Sa- criices. And this kind ofWorfhip continued with the appro- bation ofGod in the world about four thoufandyears ; that is, from the entrance of fin until the death of the Meffiab, the true Sacrifice, which put an end unto all that was typical. Thele things being premiCed, we may confider what was the mind and aim of God in the Inftitution of this Worfhip.. One inflance, and that of the moll folemn, of the whole kind, will retolve us in this enquiry, Lev. 16. 5. Two Kids of the Goats are taken for an off-ring for fin. Confider only ( that we do not enlarge on particulars ) how one of them was dealt withal, ver. zo, 2T, 22. He (hall bring the live Goat, ane Aaron fhall _lay both hit hands on the head of the live Goat, and ,conffa over him all the iniquities of the children of Iliad, and all their tranfgrefon in all their fns, putting them upon the head of the Goat, and/ball fend him away by the hand of a fit man intó the Wildernefi, and the Goat fhalì bear upon bim 411 their iniquities unto a Landnot inhabited. Let us fee to what end is all thisSolemnity, and what is de- clared