Ver.¢. and accepted with God. 1 53 all generations , that he is the God of Abraham. And he is doubtlefs now at riff with God. Or Saviour calls the place or condition whereinto bleffed fouls are gathered, Abrahams B font ; He is at rat with whomothers are at refl. The.condition was the fame with Ifaac and Jacob. They . alto armHeaven, being alive unto, and with God. .Our Savi- our proves it from the tenour cf the Covenant, I am the God. of Abraham, the God of Iftac, and the Godof Jacob. God is not the God of the dad hut of the living, Matth. 22. 3 2. They are yet alive, alive unto Çeod, and with him, by vertue of the Cove- nant ; or atter their death, God would not be Paid, to be their God. This is the force ofour Saviours Argument in that place ; that after their death, Godwas fill their God. Then death had not reached their whole pertains. They were íh11 alive with God in Heav:n ; and their bodies by vertue of the fame Covenant, were to be recovered out of the duft. The fame is the ttate with. David. He was a man after Gods . own heart, that didall his Will, and fulfilled all his pleafure. And although he dyed and his body faro corruption, yet he is not loft, he is with Gad in Heav:n. Hence he ended his dayes trium- phantly in a full apprehenfion of Eternal Reft , b yond what could in this world be attained, and that by vertuc of the Co- venant. For thefe are the tali words of David, Altbough my houfe be not fo with G.4, yet he Lob made with me an Everlafiing Co- venant, afcercaining unto him Pure and eternal mercies, 2 Sam. 23. 5 Peter alfa is in Heaven. Chrift prayed for him that his faith fhould not fail; and in his death he glorified Ged, John 21. 1 9. So is Paul. He alto is in Heaven ; he knew that when he w s dilved he fhould be with Chrifi. Here then we are encompaf- fed about with a cloudof witnfs. For, r. It is ?aloft certain, that they tv,re all !inners ; They were all fo by nature; for therein there is no d fference between any of the Children of men. And perfonally they were tanners al- fo. They confefd fo of themfelves , and fame of the fins of all of them ftand upon record. Yea fume of them weregreat firtners, or guilty of great and fignal mifcarriages.. Some be- fore their Converfion , as Abraham who was an Idolater , X Jo(h.