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Ver. r,2. The tirofirfi verfes opened. hearts of M6n; but utterly in another fence; Pfal. 64. 6. The heart it deep.. But the obvious finfe of the place , and the confiant ufe of the word will not adrriit of this Interpretation ; è Pro- fundlt , from lrgÿ profundus fait, is i=rpcpc in the plural number, Profunditates, or depths. It is commonly ufed for Vallies or any deep places whatever, but efpecially of Wirers. rallies and deep Places, becaufe of their Darkncfs and Solitarinef(, are accounted places ofhorror, helplefnefs and trouble, Plal. 23. 4. When Iwall in the Valley of the fhadow ofDeath, that is, in the extremity of danger and trouble. The Moral ufeof the word, as exprefling the (late and con- dition of the fouls ofmen, is metaphorical. Thefe Depths then, are difficulties , or preffures attended with fear , horror, danger and trouble. And they are of two forts :. 1. Providential ; in refpeá of outward hfirefs , Calami- ties, and Affliel ions, Pfal. 69. 1.2Saye me 4 God, for the waters are come in unto myfoul; I flick in the mire of the deep, and there is no /landing, I am come, tom' 1pC903, into the depths of waters, and the flood overflows me. It is trouble and the ex- tremity ofit, that the Pfalmift complains of, and which he thus expreffcth. He was brought by it into a condition like unto a man ready to be drowned; being cati into the bottom of deep and miry waters ; where he had no firm foundation to Rand upon, nor ability to come out : as he farther explains 'himfelf, ver. 15. 2. There are internal Depths. Depths oConjcience upon . the account of fin, Pfal. 88.6. Thou haft laid me in the loweff pit, indarknefl, in thedeeps. What he intends by this expref- lion, the Pfalmift declares in the next words, v. 7. Thy wrath lyeth hard upon me. Senjè of Gods wrath upon his confcience upon the account of fin, was the deep he was cati into. So_ v. 15. fpeaking of the fame matter faith he; I filter thy ter- rors, and v. t 6. Thyfierce wrath goeth over me. Which he calls water, waves, and deeps ; according to the Metaphor before, opened. And there are the deeps that are here pxiReipally intended: Camas