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Vèrç. an evidence offorgivenefs. 161 Being and conlequently their fin and milcry had been pre- vented ; fo that the cafe is not the fame with finning Angels and Men. 2. Indeed God exercifeth no patience toward the Angels that finned ; and that becaufe he had no forgivenef? for them. So Peter tells us; z Epiflle 2. 6. God f arednot the Angels that finned but calf them down into Hell, and delivered them into chains of darkneß. Immediately upon their fin they weie caft out of the pref nee of God whole vifion and enjoyment they were made for, and which they received force experience of. And thLy were calf into Hell, as the place of their ordinary retention, and of their prefent anguifh under the fenfe ofGods curie and dif pleaCure. And although they may force of them be permitted to compaft the earth, andto walk` to and fro therein to ferve the ends of Gods holy wife Providence , and fo to be out of their prifn ; yet they are fill in their chains : for they were delive- red unto chains of darknfÌ to be kept unto the lait Judgement. And in thefe things they lye actually under the execution of the curie of God : S1 that there is indeed no patience exercifed towards them. If a notorious Malefatgor, or Murtherer be committed unto a Dungeon, and kept bound with Iron chains to prevent his efcape , untili the appointed day of his folemn Judgement and Execution, without the leali intention to flare him , None will fay, theie is patience exercifed towards him ; Things being difpofed only fo, as that his punifhment may be fecure and fevere. And fuch is pine cafe, fuch is the condition of the Angels that finned, who are not therefore to be efl'eem- ed objeeis of Gods patience. 3. The reafon why the full andfinal prtnilhment of thefe An- gels is referved and refpited unto the appointed feafon, is not for their own fakes their good, benefit, or advantage at all ; but meerly that the end of Gods patience towards mankind might be accomplifhed. When this is once brought about, they (hall not be Bared a day, an hour, a moment. So that Gods difpenfation towards them, is nothing but a meer withholding the inflilïion of the utmofl of their punifhment, until he bath accotrmplithed the blued endo. of bispatience towards mankind. But you will fay ( Secondly) Is it not faid, that God willing Y to