I ô patience ofGod towards the World, &c. Pfal.130,. to Phew his wrath, and to make bus power known, endures with much longfufring, the Vef is of wrath fitted for deftrution, Rom. 9, 22 So that it feems that the End of Gods endurance and longfuffering, to forne at leaft, is only their fitting unto de- ftruelihn. Anfw. Lit is one thing to endure with much long fìafrinn, another thing to exercife and declare patience. The f:)rrner only intimates Gods withholding for a feafon ofthat deffruc`1ion which he might jutily inflict, which we fpeak not of ; the other denotes an a1,ling in a way of Goodnmfi and kindnefs for tome efp,cial end. 2. The next Verf declares the great end ofGods patience, and anfwers this Objection. That he might make known the riches of Ns glory in the veffrls of mercy which he had prepared for glory, ver. 23. This is the greát End of Gods patience, which whilft he is in the purfuit of towards the Veííels of mercy ; he en- dureth others with much longfuering, andforbearance. This then is fully evident, that there could be no fufficient Reafon affigned of the patience of God towards (inners, but that there is forgiveneß prepared for them that come to him by Chrift. And this the Scripture clearly teflifies unto, z Pet. 1. 9. The Queftion is, what is the reafon why God forbears the Execution of his Judgement upon wicked and ungodly men. Some would have it, that God isflack; that is regardleflof the fins of men ; and takes no notice of them. No, faith theApoftie, God hath another defign in hispatience, and long- fuffering ; what is this ? It is to manifeft, that he is not willingweJhould perifh. That is it whichwe have proved. For our freedom from deftrudion is by Repentance,which neceffarily infers the forgiveneß ofSin. So Paul tells us, that in the Gofpel is declared what is the End of Gods patience and forbearance ; it is faith he, the remigion of fins, Rom. 3. 25. Let us therefore allo mind this Evidence in the Application of our felves to God for pardon. It is certain that God might have taken us from the womb, and have cafe us into utter dark- nefs. And is the courfe of our lives we have been guilty of tlich provocations, as God t: fight juttly have taken the Advan- tage