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16 6 The Evidences that is PCal. Y 3O that there is great Joy in believing. Thefe things are plainly, openly, frequently infifted on in the Gofpel ? Hence the Apofile preffeth men unto Obedience on the account of them ; and as it were leaves them at liberty from it, if they were not fo, Phil. z. 1 I. Now ifmen have lived long in the profeflion of thole things, Laying that they are fo, but indeed find nothing ofTruth, Reality, or Power in them, have no experience of the effe6s of them, in their own hears or fouls , what fable ground have they of believing any thing elfe in the Gofpel whereof they cannot have experience ? A man profeffeth that the death of GhrifI will mortifie fin, and tubdue corruption; Why doth he believe it ? becaufe it is fo affirmed in the t)oJjel: How then, doth he find it to be fo? Hath it this effect upon his foul, in his ownheart ? not at all; he finds no Cuch thing in him. How then can this man believe that Jefus Chrift is the Son of God,becaufe it is affirmed in the Gofpel ; Cuing that he finds no real truth of that which it affirms to be in him- felf? So our Saviour argues, John 3. 12. If I have told you earthly things and' ye believe not ; how will you believe , if I tell you heavenly things ? Ifyou believe not the doctrine ofRegenerati- on, which you ought to have experience of, as a thing that is wrought in the hearts of men on the earth ; how can you afí'ent unto thofe heavenly myfteries of the Gofpel, which at fiat are to be received by a pure Ad of faith, without any pre- lent fenfe or experience. Of all dangers therefore in profeflion, let profefrs take heed of this ; namely, of a cuftomary, traditional , or doctrinal owning fuch truths, as ought to have their effcds and accom- plifhment in themfelves, whilft they have no experience of the reality and efficacy of them. This is plainly to have a form of godlinefi, and eo deny the power thereof And of this fort of men do sift fee many turning Atheiffs, Scoffers, and open Apo- ttates; they find in themfelves that their profefion was a lye; and that in truth they had none of thofe things which they talked of; And to what end fhould they continue longer in the avowing of that which is not ? Sefïdes finding there things which they have profeffed to be in them, not to be fo ; they think that what they have believed of the things