The twofrit Nerfs opened. Pfsl.13o. Clamat fub molibus fluc`iibus iniquitatum Juarum layes Au- ftin on the place. He cryés out under the weight and waves of his fins. This the enfuing.Pfalmmakes evident. Deering to be de- livered from thefe depths out of which he cryed ; he deals with God wholly about mercy and forgiv ttfß; and it is fin alone, from which forgivenrfß is a Deliverance. The Doeirine alto that hepreacheth upon his Delivery, is that of lYfercy, Grace and Redemption, as is manifeli from the clofe of thePJlm. And what we have deliverance by, is moll upon our hearts when we are delivered. It is true indeed , that thefe deeps do oftentimes concurr as David fpeaks, Deep cat'eth upon deep, Pfal. 42. 7. The deeps of Àfflitìon, awaken the Confcience to a deep fenfe of fin. But fin is the Difeaf ; Affli6 ion only a Symptome of it ; and in attending a Cure, the di(eaf it feltis principally to be heeded , the Jmptome will follow, or depart of its felt. Many Interpreters think that this was now Davids conditi- on ; by great trouble and difirets, he was greatly minded of fin; and we muff not therefore wholly pats over that intend- ment of the word , though we are chiefly to raped that, which he himfelf in this.addrefs unto God , did principally regard. This in, general is the ftateand condition of the foul man - .naged in this Pfalm; and is as the ley to the enfuing dilcourfe, or thehinge on which it turns. As to my intendment from the Pfalen : T which arifeth fromhence, may be compriz- ed in thefe twPPropofitions. r. Gracious fouls, after much Communion with God, may be brought into inextricable depths and intanglements on the account offin. Forfuch the Pfalmift hereexpreffeth his own conditi- on to have been; and fuch he was. 2. The inward root of outward diftrefs, is principally to be at- tended in all preffing tryals ; fin, in A., iaiens. .. Gracious