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170 The Evidence that k ^----------_ Pfai.t3o, impreffed on thefoul it (elf, whereby it is renewed into the Image of God, whereunto it was at fir ft created. This bring3 aU into a perfet Harmony. There is nor where Gofpei Truth is effetually received, and experienced in the foul, only a confo- nancy meerly between the foul and the Word, but between the fu/ and Chri(t by the Word , and the foul and God by Chrif}. And this gives affured cftablifhment unto the foul in the things that it cloth believe. Divine Truth fo conveyed unto us, is firm, [fable, and immoveable. And we can fay of it in a fpiritual fenfe, that which we bike heard, :hat which we have Wien with eur eyes, which we ¡wive loopedupon, andour hands have handledof the word oflife,we know to be true. Yea,a Belies is a Teftimony to the certaintyof truth in what heH, much beyond what he is in all that he faith. Words may be pretended ; Real: effects have their Teflimony infeparably annexed unto them. 3. Hence it appears that there muff needs be great Alficxance of thofe Truths which are thus received, and believed. For here- by are the Ienfs exercifid to d f ern good andevil. Heb. 5. 14. Where there is a fpiritual fenfe of Truth, of the Good and Evil that is in Do6rines, from an inward experience of what is r good, and from thence an Averfationunto the contrary ; . and this obtained d'iù it itr, by reafon of an habit, or an habitual frame of heart, there is ftrength, there is ¡ledfa({mß, and Affurance. This is the teaching of the Vn6lion, which will not, which cannot deceive. Hence many, of old and of late; that could not difute, could- yet dye for the truth. He that came to another, and ant about to prove by Sophtftieal. realnings that there was no fuch thing as motion ;., had only this return from him, who.either was not able to anfwer his . cavilling, or unwilling to put himfelf to trouble about it, . be arofe andwalking up and down gave him a real confutation of his Sophy/trie. It is fo in this cafe; when a foul hath a real experience of the Grace ofGod, of the Pardon of fins, of the Vertue and Efficacy t *the deathof(Thrill, of Jollification by his blood, and peace with God by believing; let men or De- vils, or Angels fromHeaven oppofe thefe things, if it canna anfwer their Sophifins, yet he can rife up and walk he can. with all holy. confidence and Affurance oppofe his own Co- difying,