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17 2 The Evidence that is Pial. i 3 0, Mg and Acknowledgement of the wages of the Lord , as others by their &fluting an never attain unto. What is fo High, Glorious, and Myl erious as the Dottrine of the ever Up d trinity ? Some wife nun have thought meet to keep it veiled from ordinary Chr ¡bans : And force have delivered it i~n fuch terms, as that they can underfland nothing by them. But take a Believer who bath tailed how gracious the L?rd if, in the Eternal Love of the Father , the great Undertaking of the Son in the work of Mediation and Redemption , with the Almighty work of the Spirit creating Grace and comfort in the foul, and hath had an experience of the Love, Holinefs and Power ofGod in them all, and he will with more firm con- fidence adhere to this myflertous Truth , being lead into it and confirmed in it, by forme fiw plain Teffimonies of the Word than a thoufand Diluters (hall do, who only have the notion of it in their minds. Let a real `Iryal come, and this will ap- pear. Fewwill be found to facrifice their laves on bare fpe- culations. Experience will give Af iarance and Stability. We have thus cleared the credit of the T, fli mony, now to be improved. It is evident on thefe grounds, that there is a great certainty in thofe Truths, whereof Believers have expf rience. Where they communicate their rower unto the heart, they give an unqueftionable All'urance of their Truths. And when that is once realized in the foul , all d f uses about it áte put to filence. Thefe things being fo, let us enquire into the faith and experience of the Saints on the Earth, as to what they know of the Truth propofed unto confirmation ; namely, that mere ú fárgivemfwith God. Let us go to form poor foul that now walks comfortably under the Light ofGods countenance, and fay unto him, Did we not _know you fonse while f nce to be full of fàdnefl, and great anxiety ofSpirit; }ea, !oral-Pd. aimoff to death and bitter in foul ? Anfw. 3tps faith hr, fo it was indeed ; my dayes were con- fumed with mourning, and my life with forrow ; and I walk- cd heavily in fear and bitternefs ofSpirit all the day long. Why what ailedyou, what was the matter with- you; feeing al- to the outward things. you were in Peace ?- Znf.