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174 Religious WorAip of:inners, P fal.i 3 o, fwering what is declared concerning thole things in the Word, will not fuller me to be deceived. I could not indeed receive it, until' God was pleafed to fpcak it unto me. But now let Satan do his utmolt, I shall never ceafe to bear this Teltimtny, that there is mercy and forgìveneß with him. How many thou/ands may we find of thefe in the world, whohave had fuel-) a feal of this Truth in their hearts, as they cannot only fecurely lay down their lives in the confirma- tion of it , if called thereunto , but alfo do chearfully and triumphantly venture their Eternal Concernments up- on it. Yea, this is the rife of all that peace, ferenity of mind, and Iirong confolation which in this world they are made partakersof. Now this is to me, on theprinciples bifore laid down, an evidence great and important. God hath not manifetted this Truth unto the Saints, thus copied it out of his word, and exemplified it in their fouls, to leave them under any pofíì- bility of being deceived. Infi itution of Religious Worfhip an Evidence of Forgive- nef . 6. Gods Inflitution ofReligious Worfhip andHonor therein to be Religious rendred un'o him byinners, is another Evidence, that there is for. Worthip s with him. t have inffd before in particular of (inners, g ivene r ince one P an Ei_ ofWorship to this purpofe; namely, in that ofSacrifices. But dence of therein we intended only their particular nature and figni- Torhivenefs fiication, how they declared and manifeftcd Reconciliation, with Gòá. Atton.ement, and Pardon, That now aimed at, is to (hew, how all the Worfhipthat God hath appointed unto us, and all the Honour which we give unto .his holy Majetiy thereby, is built upon . the fame foundation , namely , a fuppolìtion. of forgiven];; and is appointed to teach it, and to arcercain us of it, which íhall briefly be declared. To this end ob- ferve, i. That the General End of all Divine and Religious Worfhip is to raifê unto God a Revenue of glory out of the creation. Such is Gods infinite natural felt- fuflïcicncy, that he hands inneed of no