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182 Efyeczal Ordinances, &e. Pfal. t 3 a dnance. It is Gods fecurity of thepardon of ourfins, which wemay fafely reft in. 2. The fame is-the End of that other Great Ordinance of the Church, the Supper of the Lord. The fame thingis there- in confirmed unto us by another Sign, Pledge, Token, or Seal. We have (hewed before, what refped Gof]el forgiveneß hath unto the death or blood of Jefus Chri[t. That is the Means whereby for us it is procured, theWay whereby it comes forth from God, unto the Glory of his Righteoufnefs and Grace, which afterwards mull be more diilin6ly infitted on. This Ordinance therefore defigned and appointed on purpofe for the Reprefentation and calling to Remembranceóf the death ofChriJt, with the communication of the benefits thereof unto them that ~believe; doth principally intend our faith and com- fort in the Truthundei cotfideration. And therefore in the very bffitution of it,. betides the General End before menti- oned, which-had been fufiìcient for our fecurity, there is more- over added an efpeciál mention of the forgiveneß of fin ; for fo (peaks our Saviour in the Inflitution of it for theufe of the Church unto the end of the world, Matth. 26.28. This is my. blood of the New Teftament which is fhed for many for the Remif= fion offins. As if he had raid, The end for which I have ap- pointed the Obfervance of this Duty and Service unto you, is that I may telifie thereby unto you, that by my Blood, the Sacrifice of my fell, and the Attonement made thereby, I have purchafed for you the Remiffion ofyour fins, which you (hall affuredly be made partakers of. And more I (hall not add Unto this confiderationr, becaufe the death ofChrifi rcfpeded in this Ordinance, will again occurr unto us. 3. What is the end ofall Church Order, Afcmblies, and Wor- (hip ? What is a Church? Is it not a company of fnners ga- thered together according unto Gods appointment, to give glory and praife to him for pardoning Grace , for the for- givencßoffins', and to yield him that obedience which he re- quires from us, on the account of his having fodealt with us ? This is the nature, this is the end of a Church. He that underfiandeth it not, he that ufeth it not unto that End', doth but abufe that great In(htution. And fuch abufe the world is full