I 90 Reafon ofAlteration Pfal.i3o, Renard. Herein would he for ever have manifefted and ex- alted the Glory of his H;linrß, Power, Faithfulnefs, Righte- oufnefs and Goodnefs. As an Alm;ghty Creator, and Pre- (-aver, as a faithful God, and Righteous Rewarder would he have been glorified. On fuppofition, on the other fide, that man by fin and Rebellion thould trangrefs the terms and tenor of this Covenant, yet God had made provifioii that no de- triment unto his Glory fhould enfue thereon. For by the conftitution of a punifhment proportionable in his Juffice unto that fin and demerit, he had provided that the glory of his Holinefs Righteoufnefs and Veracity in hid Threatnings (hould be exalted, and that to all Eternity. God wculd have loft no more glory and honour by the fin of man, than by the fin of Angels, which in his infinite Wifdom and Righteoufnefs is become a great Theatre of his Eternal Glory. For he is no lets Excellent in his Greatnefs and Severity, than inhis Good - nefs and Power. Fteafon of Alteration cf the fir[l l:ovenant. Wherefore we may row return unto our former enquiry. All things being thus excellently and admirably difpofed in infinite Wifdom and Holinefs in this Covenant, the whole Du- ty and Bkffednefs of man being fully provided for, and the Glory of God abfolotely fecured upon all Events, what was the Reafon that God left not all things to Band or fall ac- cording to the terms of it ? Wherefore Both he rejec` and lay afide this Covenant and Promife to make another, and do fo accordingly ? Certain it is, that he might have continued it with a bleffed fecurity to his own Glory; and he makes all thingsfor hirnfelf, even the micld fir the day of evil. God himfelf thews what was the only and Pole Reafon of this difpenfation, Heb. 8.7, 8, 9, r o, r t, r a, 13. The fumm of it is this. Notwithftanding the bleífìd Conftitution of the firff Covenant; yet there was no provitîon for thepardon offin, no room or place forforgivenef in it; but on fuppofition that manfinned, he was in that Covenant lift remedilefs. God had not in it revealed that there was any fuch thingas forgive- nef; with him ; nor had any frnner the leali hope or groands of expectation from thence of any fuch thing in him. Dye be