Ver.4. of the fir i Covenant. I 91 he muff and perith, and that without remedy or recov, ry. Now, faith God, this snuff not be. Mercy, Goodnefs, Grace, re- quire another fiate of things. This Covenant will not ma- nifefi them ; their effe6ts will not be communicated to poor finners by it. Hence faith he it is faulty; that is defeelive, I will not lofe the glory of them, nor fhall (inners be unrelieved by them. And therefore although I may ttric`ly tye up all mankind unto the terms of this ; yet, I will make another Covenant with them, wherein they (hall know and find, that there isforgiveneß with me, that they mayfear me. Now next to theBloodof Chrift, whereby this Covenant was ratified and confirmed, this is the greatejt Evidence that can poffible begiven, that there is forgivene? with God. To what end elfe doth God make this-great alteration in the etfèáts of his Will, in his way of dealing with mankind. As forgive - rrefs of tan is exprefy contained in the tenor and words of the Covenant, fo fet it afìde, and it will be of no more ufe or ad- vantage than the former. For as this Covenant is made direótly with finners, nor was thereany one in the world, when God made it that was not a finer, nor is it of ulè untoany but fin- ners, fo isforgiveneß of fins the very life of it. Hence we may fee two things. Fall, The greatnefs of frr- givenef, that we may Iearn to value it : and Secondly, The certainty of it, that we may learn to believe it. Firfi, Thegreatnef? of it. God would Lot dd fo great a thing as that mentioned, but for a great, the greatejt end. Had it not been a matter of the greateit importance unto the glory of God, and the good of the fouls of men, God would not for the Cake of it, have laid atade one Covenant, and made another, We may evidently fee how the heart of God was fit up- on it, how his Nature and Will were engaged in it. All this was done that we might be pardoned. The old glo- rioùs fabrick of Obedience and Rewards (hall be taken down to the ground, that a new one may be ended for the honour and glory of forgivencfs. God forbid that we fhould have flight thoughts of that which was fo firangely and wonder- fully brought forth, wherein God had as it were embarked his great Glory, Shall all this be done for our fakes, and (Ball