192 .Reafn of Alteration Pfal. i 3 o than we undervalue it , or difelleetn it ? God forbid. God could, if I may fo fay, more eauly have made a new woild of Innocent Creatures,and have governed them by the OldCove- nant, than have etiabli(hed this new one for the falvation of poor tanners; but then where had been the glory of forgivenef?? It could never have been known, that there was forgivenefl with him. The OldCovenant could not have been preferved, and ftnnert pardoned. Wherefore God chofe rather to leave the Covenant, than 'inners unrelieved, than Grace unexalted, and Pardon unexercifed. Prize it, as you prize your fouls, and give glory unto God for it, as all thofe that believe will do unto Eternity. Secondly, For the feecurity of it, that we may believe it. What greater can be given ? God deceiveth no man, no more than he is deceived. And what could God that cannot lye, do more, to give us fatisfacion herein than he hath done ? Would you be made partakers of this forgivenefs ? Go unto God, Iplead before him this whole matter ; plead withhim that he himfelf hath fo far laidaJlde the firft Covenant, of his own Gracious Will as to make a new one and that meerly becaufe it had no forgvveneß in it. This he hathmade on purpofe that it might be known, that there is forgivenefs in him. And (hall not we now be made partakers of it ? Will he now deny that unto us, which he hath given fuch A(liurance of and railed fuch expe6tations concerning it ? Nothing can here wrong us, nothing can ruine us but unbelief. Lay hold on this Cove- nant, and we (hail have pardon. This God expreffeth, Ifa. 27. 4, 5. Will we continue on the old bottom of the firft Co- venant ? All that we can do thereon, is but to fet thorns and bryars in the way of God, to fecure our felves from his coming againft us and upon us with his indignation and fury. Our fins are fo, and our Righteoufnefs is no better. And what will be the i(fue ? both they and we (hail be trodden down con- fumedand burnt up. What way then, what remedy is left un- to us ? only thisof laying hold on the arm andftrength ofGod in that Covenant, wherein forgivenefsof fin is provided. Therein alone he faith, fury it not inme ; and the ,end will be tbat,w tail bavepeace withhim bothhere and for ever. I X. The