m Ver.4.. Forgivenef,f confirmed, &c. Y g 3 I X. The Oath ofGod engaged and interpofed in this matter is Forgive- another Evidence of the truth infitled on. Now becaufe this nets cou- i; annexed unto the Covenant before mentioned, and is its fithremoed,btiy, efiabli(hment, I (hall pals it over the more briefly. And in it of God. we may confider ; 1. The Nature of the Oath ofGod; The Apo(lle tells us that he fzvare by himfelf: And he gives this Reafon of it, becaufe he had no greater to fwear by, Heb. 6. 13. AnOath for the confirmati- on of any thing, is an Invocation of a Supream Power that can judge of the truth that is fpoken, and vindicate the breachof the engagement. This God hath none other but himfelf,Becaufi he couldfivear by nogreater, he (wear by him)elf. Now this God doth, ( . ) By exprels Affirmation that he hath fo fworn by himfelf, which was the form of the firfi folemn Oath of God, Gen. 22. 16. By my fell have I frvorn, faith the Lord. The meaning whereof is, I have taken it upon my felf as lamGod, or let me not be fo, if I perform not this thing. And this is expreffed by his foul, Jer. 51. 14. The Lord of Hofts bath fworn by hir foul, that is , by himfelf , as we render the words. Secondly, God doth it by the efpecial Interpofition of Come fach Property of his nature, as is luited to give credit and confirmation to-the Word Cp.eken; as of his I-Rin<fl, PCa1.89.35. I bave (worn by my Holineß: So alío Amos 4. 2. Sometime by his life ; Ai Hive, faith the Lord. '. 5T I live faith God, it (hall be Co. And fometimes by his Nome, Jer. 44. 26. God as it were engageth the Honour and Glory of the Properties of his Nature for the certain .accomplißìment of the things menti- oned. And this is evident from the manner of the Exprtffion, as in that place of PCal. 89. 35. Once have If worn by my holing¡., that I will not lye untoDavid; towe ; in the Original the words are eliptical : If I lye unto David, that is, Let me not be fo, nor be efleemed to be lo, if I lye unto David. Secondly, For the End of hir Oath; God doth not give it to make his Word or Promife fure andfiedfafi, but to give Affu- ranceandSecurity unto us of their accomplifhment. Every WordofGod is fure and certain, truth it fell, becaufe it is his ; and he might jualy require of us, the beliefof it without any C c further