71' 194 Forgivenefs' confirmed pfal.'< 3 c. further Attettaeion. But yet knowing what great Objeetions Satan and our own unbelieving hearts will raise againtt his IPromifes, at leaft as to our own concernment in them, to con- firm our minds, and to take away all pretences of unbelief, he interpof th his Oath in this matter. What can remain ofditiruti in fach a cafe ? If there be a matter in doubt between men, and an Oath be interpofcd in the confirmation of that which is cal- led in queftion, it is an End, as the Apostle tells us, unto them of ail jtrife, Hcb. 6. i 6. How much more ought it to be Co on the part of God, when his Oath is engaged. And the Apoftle declares this EndofhH Oath, it is to thew the immutability of his coun1Jl, Hub. 6. 17. His counfel was declared before in the Promife ; but now Come doubt or firife may ari(e, whether onone occation or other, God may not change his counfell i or whether he hath not changed it with fuch conditions as to render it ufclefs untous ? Inwhat cafe foever it be, to remove all doubts and fufpicions of this nature, God adds his Oath, manifefting the unqueftionable immutability of his counfel and Promi1.s. What therefore is thus confirmed is afcertained unto the height of what any thing is capable of. And not to b..lieve it, is the height of Impiety. Thirdly, In this lnterpofitiois of God by: anOath, there is un- fpeakable condefeenrion of Grace, which is both an exceeding great motive unto faith, and a great Aggravation of Unb_lhef. For what are we, that the holy and blcffed God fhould thus eondefcend unto us, as for our fatisfat` ion and furety, to engage himfeif by an Oath ! One raid well of old ; Fcelices nos quorum caxfa Deus jurat ; 0 infcelices, fi nee juranti Den credimws. It is an inelimable advantage that God Ihould for our fak .es engage bimfelf by his Oath. Si it will be our mifery, if we believe him not when hefrrears unto us. What can wenow obj e}againti what is thus confirmed > What pretence, colour, or excufe can we have for our unbelief ? How just, how righteous, how- holy mull their detiruáion be, who upon this strange, won derful and unexp,; ed Warranty, refute to let their Peal, that God is true. Thefe things being premifed, we may confider howvari- oufly God hath engagedhis Oath, that there is forgiveneJJ with him.