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Ver.4. by the Oath of God. 195 him. Fall, He frveareth that he hath no pleafure in the death of a fanner, but rather that he repent and live, Ezek. 33. r r . As I live, faith the Lord, I have no pleafure in the death of a fanner Now withoutforgivencf ? in him, every (inner mutt dye, and that without remedy. Confirming therefore with his Oath, that it is his will the (inner should return, repent and live, he dotli in the fill place fwear by hienfelf, that there is forgivenefs with him for thefe (inners that thall Co repent and turn unto him. Again, Whereas the great means he hath appointed for the fertîivenc6of fins, is by the Mediation of the Lord Chri(l, as we (hill afterwards (hew, he hath on iveral occa(ions con- firmed his purpofe in him, and the counfel of his Will by his Oath. By this Oath he promifcd him unto Abraham, and Davidof old, which proved the foundation of the Churches ftability in all generations ; and allo of their Security and Af- furance of Acceptance with him ; fee Luke r. 73, 74, 75. And in his taking upon him that Office whereby in an clpecial man- ner the forgiveniff of fns was to be procured , namely of his being a Prieff to of .r Sacrifice, to make an Attonement for in- ners, he confirmed it unto him, and him in it by his Oath, Heb. 7.20. He was not made a Prieft without auOath. And to what end ? Namely, that he might be a fe rety of a better Tefament, v. 22. And what was that better Teftament ? Why, that which brought along with it the forgivenßof f n, Chap. 8.12, r 3. So that it was forgivenefl which was fo confirmed by the Oath of God. Further, the Apoflle (hews, that the great Original Pro:- mile made unto Abraham, being confirmed by the Oath of God, all his other Prnmites were in like manner confirmed.Whence he draws that blefíed cooclution which we have, Heb. 6 r 7,18. As to every one, faith he, that flyer for refuge to ebe hope that is fet before him, that is, who Peeks to efcape the guilt oftin, the curfe. and the fentence of the Law , by an Application of himfelf un- to God in Chrifl for pardon, he hath the ©aáb of Gad to fecure him that he (hall not fail thereof. And thus art; all the con- cernments of the forgivenefs of fin teflified unto by theOath of God ; whichwe have manifetled to be the higheft fecurity in this matter, that God can give, or thatwe are capable of. Cca The