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196 Forgiveneß confirmed Pfal.13o, The Name ofGod confirming the Truth and Reality ofFor.. givenefi with him. AS alto the fame is done by the Properties of his Nature. Forgive. X. Another foundation ofthis Truth, and infallible Evidence nefs con- of it may be taken from that tfveciai Name and Title which firmed by God takes unto himfelf in this matter. For he owns the 1Godn1e name of the God of Pardons ; or the God of forgivrnefl. So is he called , Nchem. 9. 17. i't1fl 1'15rß we have rcndred the words, Thou art a God ready to frgive ; but they are as was (àid, And thou art the God of Pardons, Forgivenejr, or Propitiate. onr. That is his Name, which he owneth, which he accept - eth of the Airiptionof unto himfelf. The Name whereby he will be known. And to clear this Evidence we mull take in Tome confiderations ofthe Name of God, and the life there- of. As, r. The Name of God if that whereby he reveals himfelf unto 10, whereby he would have us know him, and own him. It is fomething expreffive ofhis Nature or Properties which he hath appropriated unto himfelf. Whatever therefore any nameof God exprefíèth him to be, that he is, that we may expect to find him ; for he will not deceive us by giving himfelf a wrong, or afall Name. And on this account he requires us to tru0t in his name, becaufe he will aifuredly be found unto us, what his Name imports. Reffing on his name, flying untohis name, calling upon his name, praifrng his name, things fo often men- tioned in the Scripture,conhrm the fame unto us. Thefe things could not be our duty, if we might be decdved in fo do- ing. God is then , and will be to us what his Name de- clareth. 2. On this Ground andReafon, God is Paid then firff to be known by anyname, when thofe to whom he reveals himfelf, do in an efpecial manner ref? on that name by faith, and have that accompli(hed towards them which that name imports figni- fics or declares. And therefore God did not under the Old Teffament reveal himfelf to any by the name of the Father Ef Jefats Gbrsft, or the Son incarnate, becaufe the Grace of it unto them