Ver.4. by the Name ofGod. them was not to be accomplifhed, God having providedfime bet- ter thing for us, that they without us, fhould not be made perfei; they were not intrufted with the full Revelation of God, by all his bleffed names. Neither Both God call us to trust in any name of his however declared, or revealed, unlefs he gives it us in an efpecial manner, by way of Covenant to refl up- on. So he fpeaks, Exod. 6 3. I appeared unto Abraham, unto Ifaac, and to Jacob ('`tw t7K2 ) in the name of God Almighty, but by my. name Jehovah war I not knownunto them. It is certain that both thefe names of God Elfhaddai and Jehovah , were known among his people blare. In the f rtt mention we have of .Abrahams addretling himfclf unto the Worfhip of God, he makes ufe ofthe name Jehovah, Gen. 12.7. He built an Altar unto Jehovah ; and fo afterwards not only doth Motes make ufe of that Name in the Repetition of the Story, but it was alto of frequent ufe amon;fi them. Whence then is it faid,that God appeared unto them by thename ofEfhaddai,but not by the name of Jehovah ? The Reafon is becaufe that was the name which God gave himfelf in the folemn o lnfirmation of the Covenant with Abraham, Gen. 17. 1. t2'7Rt I am Elfbaddai, God Almighty, God Alfufhcient. And when Ifaac would pray for the bleffing of the Covenant on Jacob, he makes ufe of that name, Gen. 28. 3. Gad Almighty 64 thee. He invocates that name of God which was engaged in the Co- nant made with his Father Abraham , and himfelf. That therefore we may withfull Affurance reft on the name of God, it is not only neceffary that God reveal that name to be his, but alff that he give it out unto us for that end and purpole, that we might know him thereby, and placeour trufl and con- fidence in him according unto what that name of his imports. And this was the cafe where ever he revealed himfclfunto any in a peculiar manner, by an efrecial Name. So he did unto Ja- cob, Gen. 28. 13. l am the God of Abraham and Ifaac ; affurirg hem, that as he dealt faithfully in hisCovenant with his Fa- thers Abraham and Ifaac, fo all() he would deal with him. And Gen. 31. 13. I am the God of Bethel ; he who appeared unto thee there, and bleffed thee, and will continue Co to do. But when the fame Jacob comes to ask, after another name of Cod, C c 3 he z97