I 8 mometwoommilmeamiodtdialiallfalAlleselkiv Forgivenefs' confirmed Pfai. he anfwers him not, as it were commanding him to live by faith, on what he was pleated to reveal. Now then God had not made himfelf known to Abraham, avid Ifsac, and 7a. cob by his name Jehovah, becaufe he had not peculiarly called himfelf unto them by that name; nor had engaged it in his Covenant with them, although it were otherwite known unto them. They lived and rated on the name of God Almighty, as fuited to their fupportmcnt and confolation in their wandring helplcfs condition, before the Protnifc was to be accomplifhed. But now when God came to fulfill his Promifs, and to bring the people by vertue of his Covenant into the Lind of Canaan, he reveals himfelf unto them by, and renews his Co. venant with them in the name of Jehovah. And hereby did God declare, that he came to give ffability and Accomplfh- ment unto hi Promifs. To which end ,they were now to live upon tlnanae ofJthovab in an expeo`iation of theful- filling of thePromifes ; as their Fathers did on that ofGod Al. mighty in an expeáation of protcäion from him in their wan- doing (tate and condition. Hence this name became the founda- tion of the Judaical Church, and ground of the faith of them whodid fìncerely believe in God therein. And it is ffrangel fallen out in the Providence of God, that fince the Jews have rejected the Covenant of their Fathers , and are caff out of the Covenant for their unbelief , they have utterly f rgot that Name of God. No Jew in the world knows what it is, nor how to pronounce it, or make mention of it. I know themalves, and others pretend firange Mfferies in the Letters andVowels of that name which make it ineffable. But the truth is, being cati out of that Covenant which was built and eflablifhed on that name,in the juf1 Judgement of God, through their own blindnefs and fupe ffition, they are no more able to make mention of it, or to take it into their mouths. It is required then that the name of God bt given unto us as en- gaged in Covenant, to fecure our expéóation that he will be .unto us according to his name. 3. All the whole Gracious Name of God, every Title that he path given himfelf, every Afaription of Honour unto himfelf that he hath owned, is confirmed unto us, ( unto as many as believe,)