Ver.4. by the Name ofGod. 19 9 believe, ) in Jelus ChrAlf. For as he ham dccìared unto us the whsle name ofGod, John 17. 6. So not this, or chat Promife of God, but all the Promifes of God `are in him, Yea au. Amen. So that as of old, every particular Promife that God made unto the people, ferved eJ ecialÿ for the particular occalion on which it was given, and each Name ofGod was to be retied on as to that difpenfation whereunto it was fuited to give relief, and confidence ; as the name of Elfnadd:ei to Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob , and the name Jehovah to Mofes and the people ; f< now by Jefus Chrrfl and in him, every particular Promife be- longs unto all believers in all their occations ; and every Name orGod whatever, is theirs alto, at ill times, to reil upon and put their trua in. Thus the particular Promife made unto73- fhseah at his entrance intoCanaan, to incourage and Iirengthen him in that great enterprize of conquering the Land, is by the Apoftle applyed unto all Biievers in all their occafions whatever. I will. never leave thee nor forfake thee, Heb. 13. 5. So likewife doth every name of God belong now unto us, as if it had in particular manner been engaged in Covenant unto us. And that becau[c the whole Covenant is ratified and confirmed unto us by Jefus Chrift, 2 Cor. 6. 18. Chap. 7. i. This then abfolutely fecures unto us an intere[t in the Name ofGod infrfted on, the God of forgivenefd, as if it had been given unto every one of us to affure us thereof. 4. God takes this name, the God of forgivenefß tobe his in a peculiar manner, as that whereby he will be diftinguifhed and known. He appropriate/ it to himfelf as exprefling that, which the Power and Goodnefs of no other can extend un- to. There are Lords many, and Gods many, faith the Apoffle; stfyót avos Oro/', fome that arc called fo ; fuck as Tome account fo tobe. How is the true God dif inguifhed from thefe Gods by Reputation ? He is fo by this name, He is the God of Pardons, Micah 7. 18. Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniqui- ty P- This is-his Prerogative ; herein none is equal to him, like him, or a (barer with him. Who is a God like unto thee, that may be called a GodofPardons. The Vanities ofthe Natì- onstcannot give then this rain; they have no refrething fhow- ers of mercy a .ï Pardon in their power. Neither Angels, nor