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200 Forgivenefs confirmed, &c. Pfa1.13o, nor Saints, nor Images, nor Poper, canPardon Sin. By this name doth he dißinguifh himfelf from them all. 5. To be !known by this name is the Great Glory ofGod in this world. When Mofes de(red to feethe Glory of God, the Lord tells him that he could not fee his face, Exod. 33. 18, 2 0. The face of God or the glorious,Majelly of his Being, his Ef= fintial Glory, is not to be Peen of any in this life; We cannot fee him as he is. But theglorious manifrjtation of himfelf we may behold and contemplate. This we may fee as the back parrs of God ; That ¡haddow of his excellencies which he cafleth forth in his pafingby us in his works and difpenlations. This Mods (hall fee. And wherein did it conliti ? Why in the Re- velation and Declaration of this name of .God, Chap. 34.6, 7. The Lordpafdby before him, andproclaimed, the Lord, the Lord God, Merciful and Gracious, long-fxfring, and Abundant in Goodnefi and in Truth, keeping Mercy for thoufands, Forgiving Ini= quity, Tranfgrefons, and Sin. To be known by this Name, to be honoured, feared, believed as that declares him,, is the great glory of'God. And (ball this fail us ? Can we be deceived trufi- ing in it, or expecting that we (hall find him to be what his name declares ? God forbid. Let us lay together thcfe Confiderationr, and we (hall find that they will give us another liable foundation of the Truth -ínftted on ; and a great encouragement to poor finful fouls to draw nigh to God in Chrift for Pardon. God hath no Name but what he gives unto himfelf. Nor is it lawful to know him, or call him otherwife; as he calls himfelf, fo is he. What his Name imports, fo is his Nature. Every name allo ofGod is engaged in Jefur Chrifi in the Covenant, and is pvopofed untous to place our Trutt and Confidence in. Now this is his name and his memorial, even the GodofForgiveneß. By this he dittingui(heth himfelf from all others, and expreffeth it as the principal Title of his Honour, or his peculiar Glory. Ac- cording to this name therefore all that believe (hall afl'uredly find, There it forgiveneffwith him. X I. The