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.Att riGrttes ofGod., iVattrrc, .Q`y C. 2cif X I. The confideration of the Eintial Properties of the Na- Artribwes sure of God, and what is required to the mvnifeltation ofthem, Gods will afford us further Affarance hereof. Let us to this end Pvature, take in the enfuing Obf_°rvations. manifest ins Fo,- God being abfolutely perfea, and abfölutey f iffsficient, was ;ivrcfs. eternally glorious, and tatisfìed with, and in his own holy Ex- cei'enciet and Perfe iion.t, before, and without the creation ofall or any thing, by the putting forth or the exercile of his Al- mighty Power. The making therefore of all things depends on a weer Soveraign Ad of the Will and Pleafure of God. So the whole Creation makes its acknowledgement, Rev. 4.11. Chap. 5. 12. Thou art worthy 0 Lord to receive Glory Honour and Power, for thou haft created all thing!, and for thy pkafure they ate and were created. God could have omitted all this great work, without the lead impeachment of his Glory. Not one Holy Property of his Nature would have been diminithed, or abated in its Eternal Glory by that omillion. This then depend- ed on a pure Aft ofhis Will and Choice. 2.On fuppofition thatGod would work ad extra,by his Power produce any thing without himfelf it was abfolutely neceffary that himfelfJhouldbe the^Endof his fo doing. For as before the produáion of all things, there Was nothing that could be the end why any ofthem thould be brought forth out of nothing, or towards which they should be difpofed : So God being an infinite Agent in Wildom and Undertlanding and Power,he could have no End in his Ac`ings, but that allo which is infinite. It is therefore natural and necelfary unto God to do all things far himfelf. It is impoflible he thould have any other end and he hath done fo accordingly, Prov. 16.4. The Lord bath made all things for himfelf. He aimed at himtèlf in all that he did; 'there being no other infinite Good for him to make his Object, and his End, but hirnfelfalone. 3. This doing things, all tbing,r for hirnfe f , cannot intend an Addition or Acrewment thereby of any new real good unto himfelf. His abfolute Eternal Perfethan and Al-fuficiency render this impotLble. God doth not become more Power- ful, Great, Wife, Juff, Holy, Goodor Gracious by any of his D d works,