02 What it is to give Pfal.13c, wcrks,by any thing that he Both. He can add nothing to him- felf. It mutt therefore be theManifeffation and Declaration of the Holy Properties of his Nature that he doth intend and detìgn in his works. And there are two things required hereunto. r. That he mare them known ; that by wayes fuited to his Infinite Wifdom, he both declare that fuch Properties do be- long unto him; as alto what is the nature of them accord- ing as the creature is able to apprehend. What it is So. he doth things to make hispower known, to (hew hi pow- to give er, and to'declare hi, name through the earth, Rom.9. t7, 22. G]ory to So it was laid, that by the works of creation, Tò )/vrvsays efts", God. that which may be known of God is made manifett, Rorn.Y.19,2o. And what is that ? even the natural effential Properties of his Being; his Eternal Power and Godhead. To this Head are re- ferred all thofe Promifis of God that he would glorifte himlelf, and the prayers of his Saints that he would do fo. And the Aittffations given unto it in the Scripture that he hath done fo. He hath made known his Wifdom, Holinefs, Power, Good- nefs , Self-fufhciency , and the like perfections of his na- ture. 2. That he attain an Afcription, an Attribution of Praife, and Glory to himfelf upon their account. His defign is to be ad- mired in all them that believe, 2 Theff. r i o. That is, that up- on an Apprehenfien of his Excellencies, which he bath re- vealed, and as he bath revealed them, they fhould admire adore, applaud, glorifie and praife him, wor(hip,believe in and truft him in all things, and endeavour the enjoyment of him as an eternal reward. And this is alto threefold. r. Interpretative; fo the inanimate and brute creatures afèribe unto God the glory of his Properties , even by what' tfief they are, and do. By what they are in their Beings, and their obfervation of the Lain and inclination of their nature, they give unto God the glory of that Wifdom and Power whereby they are made ; and of that Soveraignty whereon they depend. Hence nothing more frequent in thepraifes of God ofold,than the calling of theivani mate creatures, Heaven and Earth, Winds,