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Ver.4. Glory to God. 2 03 Winds, Storms, Thunder, and the Beajis of the field, to give Praife and Glory to God. That is, by what they are, they do fo,in as much as from the impreflion of Gods glorious Excellen- cies in their Effects upon them, they are made known and manife(t. 2. Involuntary in Come rational creatures. Sinning Men and Angels have no'delign, no will, no detïre to give glory to God. They do their utmo(t endeavour to thecontrary, tohate him, reproach and blafpheme him. But they cannot yet call off the yoke of God. In their Minds and Coníciences they are forced and (hall be for ever to acknowledge that God is infi- nitely Holy, infinitely Wile, Powerful and Righteous. And he hath the glory ofall thefe Properties from them, in their very delires that he wereotherwife. When they would that God were not Ju(f to punifh them, Powerful to torment them, Wifi to find themout, Holy to be difpleafed with their Ws and fins, they do at the fame time, in the fame thing, own ac- knowledge and give unto God the glory of his Being, Juftice, Wifdom, Power and HolinefL When therefore God hath made known his Properties, the Afcription of glory unto him on their account, is to rational creatures , natural and unavoidable. ,. It is voluntary in the reafonable fervice , Worfhip, Fear, Trutt, Obedience, of Angels and Men. God having revealed unto them the Properties of his Nature, they acknowledge, adore them, and place their confidence in them, and thereby glorifie him as God. And this glorifying of God confifteth in three things. t. In making the Excellencies óf God revealed unto us, the Principle and ChiefObjet of all the moral a Ìings of our fouls, and of all the aáings of our Affections. To far the Lord and his Goodneß, and to fear him for his Goodnefs ; to truff in his Power and Faithfulnefs, to obey his Authority, to delight in his Will and Grace, to love him above all, becaufe of his Excel- lencies and Beauty, this is to glorifie bim. 2. To pray for, and to rejoyce in all the wages and means whereby he will, or bath promifed further to manifeft or de- clare there Properties of his Nature and his Glory in them. D d 2 What