What it is to give, 6c. Pfal.t3o, What is the reafon why, we pray for, long Ear the accompltfh- trient of the Pronrifs,ofGod towards his Saints, of his Threat. Wings towards his Enemies, of the fulfilling- of the glorious, Works of his Power and Grace that yet remain.to be done,of the coming ofthe Kingdom ofChrig, of the approach ofglory. ? Is it not chiefly and principally,;_ that the. glorious Excellencies of GddJ Nature ma} be mademere manifc[, be more known, more exalted ;. that God may appear more as he re, and as he hath declared himfelf to he ?' This is to give glory to God. So< likewife our Joy, Rcjoycing and Satisfa6ion,in any of the ways and works of God, it is folely onthis account, that in them, God in hie Properties, that is, his Power, Witdom, Flolì.nefs; and the like, is revealed, declared and made known. 3. 14 their j)int at{ual Celebration of his praifis ; which- as it- is a Duty of the greateft importance, and which we are indeed of all others molt frequently exhorted unto, and molt earnefily, called upon for.: fo in the natureof it, it conífts in our be. hiving rejoycing expreflion of what God is, and what he loth; that is, our admiring; adoring and blefíìng him becaufe of his Holinefs, Goodnefs, and the reftti of his Properties, and his worksof Grace and Powcr,fuitable unto them. This it is to praife God, Key. 5. 4,.Obferve that none of there Properties' of God 'can be thus manifetted and known, nor himfelf be glorified; for them, brát yy his declaration of them, and by their of si. We know na more ofGod than he is pleated to reveal unto us,. I meat- not meer Revelation by his Word, but. any wayes on means, . whether by his Word, or by his Work!, or by Impreflions from the Law ofNature upon our' hearts and minds. Arad1what ever. God thus declares of himfelf; He.doth it by exercifing; putting forth, and manifefting the leas of it. So we know his Power, Wifdom, Goodnefs and Grace; namely, by the cffee s of them,.or the works of God_ that-proceed from them, and are.fuitcd unto them. And what ever: is in God that 'is not thus made known, we cannot appeehend-nor :glorifie Godi as 'the account ofit. God therefore doing all things, as bath, been fbewed, loathegloryofthefe his Properties, he doth fa zeveal them, and hake thanknown Uppn.