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tTer.4.. Glory anifing to Godby Forgivene! 205 5. Upon this defign of God, it is neceftàry that he thouli re-, veal, and make known all the Attributes and Properties of his Nature, in works and effeds peculiarly proceeding from them aid anfwering unto them, that he might be glorified in them, and which as the Event manifefts , he bath done accordingly. For what Reafon can be imagined, why God will be glorified in one Effntial Excellency of his Nature, and not in another ? Efpe- cially muff this be affirmed of thofe Properties of the Nature of God, whichthe Event manifejfeth his principal glory to contitt in, and arifc from, and the knowledge whereof is of the great - éff ufe behoof and benefit unto the Children- of men in refè- rence unto his detign towards them. 6. There things being fo, let us confider how it t Inds io Glory reference unto that which is under contideration. God in the arir co Creation of all things, glorified or manifctled his Greatnefs3 ógiv- Power, Wifdomand Goodnefs, with many .other: properties ofnet's'. the like kind. But his Soveraignty, Righteoufiuij' and .Hohnefs, how are they declared hereby ?° either not at all, or not in fo evident a manner as is neceffary, that he might be fully-glori- fied in them, or for them. What then doth-he do ? leave theta in dar&nef?, vailed undifcovered, fatisfying himfelf in the glory of thole Properties which his work of Creation had made known ?' Was there anyRealon, why he thould do fo; defìgning to do all things for himfelt and for his own glory? Wherefore he gives his holy-Law as a Rule of Obedience unto men and Angels. This plainly reveals his Soveraignty or A. thority over them, his Holinefirand azfnej' in the Equity and Purity of things he required of them : fo that in andby thofe Properties allo he may be glorified. As he made ail things for himfeelf,-that is, the manifeflation ofhis Greatnefs, Power, Wifdotn and Goodnefs, fo hegave the Law for himfelf, that is, the manifeftat ion of his Authority, Holinels andRighteoufnefs. But is-thisall ? Is there not Kem tnerative Ju4iice in God, in a way of Bounty ? Is there not Vindiilive Juffice in him, in a way of feverity ?There is fo, and in the purfuit of the defign men- tioned, they» alto are to be manifefted, or God will not be slörifred in thorn.- Thisi therefore he did allo in thcacward °, &= and