c6 Glory ari fing to God by Forgrvfn,éf3. PEI. r 30; and Punifhrnents that he annexed unto the Law ofObedience that he had prefcribed. To manifcft his Remunerative Jußrce he promifed a Reward in a way ofBounty, which the Angels that finned not were made partakers of; and in the penalty threatned, which tinning Angels and Men incurred, he revealed his Vindieiive Juftice in a way of feverity. So are all then Properties of God made known by their Effeas, and fo is God glorified in them, or on their account. But after all this, are there no other Properties of his Nature, Divine Excellencies that cannot be feparated from his Being, which by none of thcfe means, are fo much as once intimated to be in him ? It is evident that there are ; fuch are Mercy, Grace, Patience, Long- fuffering, Compaflìonand the like: con- cerning which obferve, r. That where thereare no Objeeïs of them, they cannot be declared, or manifelled,or exercifed. As Gods Power or Wifdom could not be manifeft, if there were no Objeas of them, no more can his Grace or Mercy. If never any Rand inneed of them, they can never be exercifed, and confequently never be known. Therefore were they not revealed, neither by the Creation of all things, norby the Law or its San±ion, nor by the Lawwritten in our hearts. For all thefe fuppofe no objfels ofGrace and Mercy. For it is fanners only, and fuch, as have made themfelves miferable by fin, that they can be exercifed about. 2. There are no Excellencies of Gods nature, that are more exprefliveofDivine Goodneß, Lovelinefs and Beauty, than thefe are, of Mercy, Grace, Long-fuffering and Patience : and there- fore there is nothing that God fo rtquireth our likeneßunto him in, our conformity unto his Image as in thefe; namely, Mercy, Grace and readinefs to forgive. And the contrary frame in any he dothofall things molt abhor.Theyfhall have judgement without mercy, who !hewed no mercy. And therefore it is certain that God will be glorified in the manifellation of thefe Proper- tiesof his Nature: 3. Thcfe Properties can be no otherwife exercifed, and con- fcquently no other wayes known, but only in and by the par- don offin ; which puts it beyond all quettion, that there is Forgivenefs