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Ver.4. Fr7rgivene, mcnifefed, 6,e. 07 Forgivenef, with God. God will not lofe the glory of thefe his Excellencies; he will be revealed in them , he will be known by them, he will beglorified for them which he could not be, if there were not forgiveneß with him: So that here comes in not only the Truth, but the neccflity of forgivenef? alto. Forgivencfl manifefed in the finding of the Son of God to dye for fin. And from the Obligation that is on ati to for- give one another. XI I. In the next place, we (ball proceed unto that Evidence Fo:give- which is the Center wherein all the lines of thofe foregoing r feed ins do meet and re(i : The fountain of all thofe fireams ofRefresh- the Death ment that are in them, that which animates and gives life and of Chiifl. efficacy unto them, This lyes in Gods fending ofhis Son. The confderation hereof will leave no pretence or excufe unto unbelief in this matter. Tomake this Evidence more clear and legible, as to what is intended in it, we muff confider, z. What was theRife of this fending, we fpxak of. 2. I'ho it was that was lint. 3. How or in what manner he was fent. 9. Unto what end andpurpofr. Firfl, theRife and fpring ofit is to be confidered. It came forth from the Eternal mutual confint and caenfol of the Father and the Son, tech, 6. 13. The Counfel ofPeace Jhall be between *- them both. It is ofChrift the Branch, of whom he fpeaks. He (hall build the Temple of the Lord, and he!nail bear theglory. And (hall fit and rule upon his Throne ; and (hall be a Pritft upon his Throne, and the Counfel of Peace(hall be between them both. That is, between God the Father, who fends him, and himfelf; There lay the Counfel ofPeace making between God and Man in due time accomplifhed by him who it our Peace, Eph. 2.1 6. So he (peaks, Prov. 8.3o, 31. Then I was by him as one brought up with him, and I was daily his delight; rejoycing alwayes be- fore him. Rejoycing in the habitable parts of the Earth, and my delight: werewith the Sons (1'vim i They are the words of the Pont,