208 Forgivenef maniffled Pfal.13o. Wi fdutrr, that is, of the Son of God. When was this done.? Then I was with him. Why before the Mountains were felled, whi41 as yet he bad not made the Earth. nor the Fields ; That is, before the creation of the world, or frometernity, v.25,26. But bow then could he rejoyce in the habitable parts oftheEarth? And how could his delight be with the Sons of men ? feeing as yet they were not ? I anf=wer, It was the Counfel of ,Peace towards them beforementioned, in the purfuit whereof he was to be lent to converfe among(i themnn the earth, He rejoyced in the fore - thoughts of his beingPat to them, and the work he had todo for them. Then, with his own content and delight was he fore-ordained unto his work, even before the foundation of the world, i Pet. r. 20. and received of the Father the Promiji of eternal life, even before the world began, Tit. I. 2. That is to be given unto linnets, by way of Forgivenef through his blood, So is this whole Counfèl expreffed, Pfalm 40. 7, S. Whence it is made ufe of by the Apofile, Heb. io. 5, 6, 7. Then Paid I, to I come, in the volume of thy Book it If written of me, I delight to do thy will 0 tJOd. 2hyLaw is in the mid!t of my heart. There is the Will of the Father in this matter, and the Law of its per- formance. And there is the Will of the Son, in anfwer there- unto ; and his delight in fulfilling that Law which was pre- feribed unto him. Let us now confider, to what purpofe was this EternalCoun- fel ofPeace This Agreement ofthe Father and Son from Eter- nity about theState and Condition of Mankind ? If God would have left them all to perifh under the guilt of their fins, there had been no need at all of any fuch thoughts, de lign or Coun- f 1. God had given unto them a Law, Righteous and Holy, which if they tranfgreffed, he had threatned them with eter- _pal dePtrut ion. Under the Rule difpofal and power of this Law ; he might have righteoufly left them toiland ox fall ac- cording to theverdi£# andJntence thereof.Butnow he affures us, he reveals,unto.us that he had other thoughts in this matter ; that there were other Counfels between the Father and the Son concerningus. And thefe fuch as the Son was delighted in the profped of his Accomplifhment of them. What can thefe thoughts and countess be, but .about a way for their deliverance e o /.s a s c+ arvua-i d